Page 30 - I21 Summit Magazine
P. 30
By Brad Bowling
For as long as there have been busi- your logo because quite often it is sunfl ower to the marketplace. It
nesses there have been logos. Th e not love at fi rst sight. Logos take was an international introduction
invention of the logo was born out quite a while to become endearing to what BP believed to the symbol
of the need to connect a product to the buying public. One market- of their company. Th e sunfl ower
with a symbol as quickly as possible. ing manager commented that some
Today companies use logo branding CEOs and companies labor over the
to connect a feeling with the prod- choices that are presented to them
uct itself. Th e question remains, by marketing fi rms.
should your company invest in the Some companies choose to re-
creation and marketing of a logo. brand with fresher logos while other
Nike, BMW, McDonalds and Mer- companies stay true to the original.
cedes are all international compa- Coke-a-Cola believes in tradition
nies that used their logo to break and has not changed their logo in
the communication barrier when over 100 years. Apple, on the other
entering a new market. When you hand, has improved and upgraded logo has been a hit with the public
see the logos of these companies you their logo as time has passed. Th ey and is recognized at the perfect logo
do not need to know much more went from a multi-colored apple to for BP. Nike spent $35 to fi nd the
about them. Th eir logos instantly the silver bitten apple we see today. Swoosh and Twitter paid $15. What
defi ne who they are, what they do So, what should you spend to get you spend and how you spend it
and what they are about. the perfect logo? will determine the cost or invest-
ment. Th e earlier in the business
Infographics, as they are called, Th e answer to that question is
that you introduce your logo will
come with a huge responsibility. debatable. Some international
help with the costs.
Th ey need to be insightful, reso- companies have spent over $100
nate with the customer and need million dollars to introduce a new PICKING THE RIGHT COLORS
to stand the test of time. Choose logo. BP, British Petroleum, spent Be careful when picking colors for
wisely when it comes to designing $136 million to introduce the your company especially if you
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