Page 18 - I21 Summit Magazine
P. 18

Open for Business:
                    Summit County is open and ready   Creating and retaining local jobs while enhancing and improving
                    to help you start and grow your   workforce development.
                    business.  From site selection to
                    staff selection, we have programs   Improving diversity and inclusiveness in Summit County’s hiring,
                    or partners that can help you with
                    many of your business challenges   contracting and board & commission appointments.
                    and opportunities.
                                                Leading initiatives that focus on the health, safety and well being
                                                of our communities.
                    Your success is our success!
                    For more information, contact   Investing in our community through the Land Bank, infrastructure
                    Connie Krauss, Director,    improvements, and economic development projects.
                    The Department of Community
                    and Economic Development    0DLQWDLQLQJ WKH ¿QDQFLDO VWDELOLW\ DQG VWURQJ ¿QDQFLDO
                    at (330) 643-2893           management practices of the County.
                                                Continuing  a collaborative government that is focused on
                                                improving services for the public.

                                                                       Follow Us on
                                                                   Facebook & Twitter


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