Page 11 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 11


                                                                          GUN           $10 each, 3 for $25

                                                                    RAFFLE             Contact any member
                                                                                         thru Sept. 5

                                                                 Spaghetti Dinner

                                                                  (first Thursday of the month)
             Choptank Excavating, LLC. is a locally owned and family     May 2  •  4-7 PM
             run business located in Denton, MD for nearly 30 years.   All you can eat spaghetti, salad, bread, drink.
             Our expertise is in commercial and residential site work       Adults $11. Take-out available.
             throughout the Delmarva peninsula.
                                                                                         Chicken BBQ
             We currently have immediate openings for the
             following positions:                                                           Sunday, May 5
                 site work estimator  •  equipment operators                                    11 AM
                experienced dump truck driver  •  pipe layers                              Cost is $12 - includes
                             skilled laborers                                             ½ chicken, applesauce,
             Candidates must have a valid driver’s                                       baked beans, roll & drink
             license and pass a drug test.
                                                                  Indoor                     Saturday, May 11
             Full-time positions with competitive wages and                                  Doors open at 7 AM
             benefits such as paid vacation & sick leave, paid                          at
             holidays, employer contributions to a 401K plan                          RVFD     $15 per spot.
             and healthcare.                                                                 Vendors welcome!
                                                                  also Town Wide            Call to reserve your
             Please apply at:          &KRSWDQN                                            spot at 443-786-9266
             Choptank Supply, Inc.
             802 Crystal Avenue       ([FDYDWLQJ
             Denton, MD 21629                                   decision with my capital and sweat equity, we are all partners
                                        Established 1996
                                        Es ta bl is he d  19 96  in making sure that the only publication dedicated to Caroline
                                                                County remains in business. I ask the advertisers to continue
                                                                to support the magazine, and I ask the readers to continue to
            points, and you, the readers, have all worked together through   peruse its pages. I give my assurance to get it out on time, with

            the Warfields to keep this hometown magazine going. I hope   well designed ads and interesting content. I have an important
            you will join me in continuing to be “dedicated to providing   mission to supply information to Caroline Countians, and I
            the community with news, information and advertisements.”   honor the valued legacy created by the Warfi elds.
            Let me address the other elephant on the page.      In the upcoming months, I will announce new partnerships
                                                                and other channels of information sharing, all within the
            Publishing a monthly magazine is a business. Th e Caroline   Caroline Review brand. I’m excited about the next chapter of
            Review is a product – a well-established, well-respected   the magazine. I can be reached at,
            product. The continuation of the magazine will rely on   call or text 443-239-0958, or mail at PO Box 147, Goldsboro,
            the basics of business, which means there will need to be   MD 21636.
            advertising sales to offset expenses. There will need to be

            readership to make it worthwhile for the advertisers to spend   A virtual toast to Loretta and Rich Warfield. Kudos for operating

            their money. There will need to be relevant content to grow   a communications business for 33 years. I wish you all the best,
            and sustain readership. So, while I am making this business   and I am eternally grateful for your belief in me.

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