Page 6 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 6

Farewell with Many                                                   passed away. He also handled the billing,
                                                                                 technical issues and proofreading. He
               Grateful Thanks                                                   was a great proofreader, or should I say,
                                                                                 “Grammar Nazi.”
                   by Loretta Warfi eld
                                                                                 Speaking of Bertha, do you longtime
              Past Publisher and Owner of the
                                                                                 readers remember any of our other
                    Caroline Review                                              “early days” contributors. Adelaide’s
                                                                                 dear friend, Emory Dobson, was only
            You know the saying “I never thought
            I’d see the day”, right? Well, that is                               able to contribute one article before
            true in our case. Since its inception                                he passed away. He was the classic
            in November of 1980, the Warfields                                   newspaper man, almost always seen
            have owned and operated the Caroline                                 with a camera around his neck. Others
            Review, beginning with its founder, my                               include Lorraine Marshall, Carol and
            husband Rich’s mother, Adelaide. When                                Burton Stockley, Bud Walls, Dan Tabler,
            she decided to retire in 1991, Rich and                              Jean Hurst, Betty Callahan, and more
            I thought the purchase of the Caroline                               recently, John Evans.
            Review was a good fit for our young   40MB computer could even turn on   Additionally, early advertisers included
            family, and we were right. Although we   these days much less run programs and   names like, Roni’s Cut & Curl, Towers
            had little experience with publishing, we   create graphic designs.  Pharmacy, The Peoples Bank, Will’s
            were willing to knuckle down and learn                               Sporting Goods, and Stone Hearth Inn,

            it. And indeed, we did.            After some very terrible looking ads in   to name a few.
                                               1991, with much practice, the ad designs
            In the beginning, Schaffner Printing   improved and I learned to enjoy it very   It’s been a wonderful run and of course
            in Denton did all of our composition   much. In all those years, I cannot imagine   none of this would have been possible

            work, but shortly after we took over, they   how many ads I have created, but with   without God. We are most grateful for
            could no longer accommodate our needs   each one I learned something new, and   His provision and guidance in our lives.
            and we went on the hunt for another   loved designing. Joanne Shipley doesn’t

            company to do this work. This was at   know this, but she was an inspiration to   And so the “never thought I’d see the
            a time when technology was rapidly   me as I admired her creative work with   day” is here and I want to express our
            changing. Around this time, my Uncle   her clients and Recreation and Parks   sincerest thank you to every advertiser,
            Paul was visiting from Virginia and we   brochures. She is a true professional in   contributor, reader, sales person,
            told him of our dilemma. He suggested   graphic design.              delivery person, and reader. Though I am

            “Desktop Publishing”. So, that’s what                                tempted to try, it would be impossible to
            we decided to try. Rich and my brother   Owning a small business as a “Mom   refer to all of you in the few columns I
            Steve went to Sears in Dover, DE and   and Pop” is no small feat. There have   have. Your support over the past 44 years

            bought our first computer, printer and   been many sacrifices over the years,   has been phenomenal and we consider
            scanner. I remember my brother saying   especially when it comes to my family.   ourselves so very fortunate and blessed
            at the time, “This is all the computer   Our children were very young when we   to have been given the opportunity to
            you’ll ever need!”. Well, that didn’t age   took over in 1991 at ages 4, 5, and 7. Do   run a small, successful business here in
            well! It was a 40MB Panasonic computer   you guys remember early on when we   beautiful Caroline County. It’s been a

            with a floppy disk and DOS operating   would pack you three into the van and   wonderful journey.

            system, and we thought we had hit the   head over to Dover to drop off the fl ats

            big time. But first, we  had to learn to   to the printer followed by a late supper at   As the Warfields exit the small business
            operate it. Oh boy, what did we get   Friendlys? So, to my beautiful children,   world and look forward to retirement,
            ourselves into?                    Kyle, Melinda, and Ben, thank you for   we believe the new owner, Debbie
                                               your patience with me through the years,   Bowden, will continue to promote
            It did take time, okay, a lot of time, tears,   especially as each deadline approached.   Caroline County in every way. Please
            frustration, and sleepless nights, but were all troopers.  give her your full support. You can read
            we were starting to get the hang of it.                              about her on pages 10-11.
            I still remember when we wanted to   To my husband, who is my biggest

            install some more typefaces (fonts) so   cheerleader, thank you for loving me   I’ve often wondered if my mother-in-law
            we would have more than five, and it   when I was, at times, a struggle, stressed   could have imagined that her vision for a
            literally took all night long to download   about putting the next issue to bed. Rich   local information magazine in Caroline
            13 fonts from Bitstream! Th ese programs   helped by taking over responsibility for   County would continue to be realized

            have thankfully come a long way, as have   creating the Word Puzzle after our dear   into 2024 and beyond. What comes to
            computers. I really don’t think that a   friend, Bertha Miller, the Puzzle Queen,   my heart and mind thinking about this
                                                                                 is “I sure hope I’ve made her proud”.
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