Page 2 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 2


              Administrative Care
               Coordination Unit

                                                     your Managed Care
                                                    Organization (MCO)
                                Explain how to                               Help you resolve
                                renew benefits.                                billing issues.

                   Help you get your                                                      Help you find
                  prescriptions filled.                                                  a doctor within
                                                                                           your MCO.

                  Explain how to                                                           Explain services
                   update your                                                             available out of
                  information and                      ACCU                               network, without
                obtain a new card.                                                            a referral.

                     Explain your                                                          Help link you
                      appeal and                                                         to transportation
                    grievance rights.

                                Explain annual                                   Help you find
                                   right to                                      a dentist for
                                change MCO’s.                                     your child.
                                                         Helps you
                                                      understand your
                                                    benefits and how to
                                                      access services.

                     For more information call 410-479-8189 or visit
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