Page 12 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 12
Diving into National Water for parents to get their kids started on this crucial life skill.
Scholarships may also be available to help make lessons
Safety Month: A Parent’s affordable for all families.
Guide to Keeping Kids Safe Know Your Limits: Choose Appropriate Water Environments
Understanding the swimming abilities of your children is
May is not just about blooming flowers and warmer weather; crucial when selecting water environments. Whether it’s a calm
it’s also National Water Safety Month, a crucial time to raise neighborhood pool or a more dynamic beach setting, choose
awareness about the importance of water safety, particularly for locations that match the swimming profi ciency of your kids.
children. As families gear up for pool parties, beach vacations, Inexperienced swimmers may benefit more from controlled
and lazy days on the river, it’s essential for parents to prioritize environments with lifeguards and clear safety guidelines.
safety to ensure that every aquatic adventure remains a fun Water Safety Gear: More than Just Fashion Statements
Equip your children with appropriate safety gear. For
Supervision is Key: Eyes on the Water, not on the Phone non-swimmers or those still building their skills, life jackets
First and foremost, maintaining constant supervision is and floatation devices are essential. Ensure that the gear fi ts
paramount when children are around water. Whether it’s a properly and is Coast Guard-approved. These tools not only
backyard pool, a nearby river, or the vastness of the ocean, a provide an added layer of protection but also boost confi dence,
watchful eye can make all the difference. Take turns designating allowing kids to enjoy the water with a sense of security.
a specific adult in your family or group as the assigned water
Establish and Enforce Pool Rules at Home
watcher, and ensure they are not distracted by phones or other
If you have a pool at home or if your children visit family
activities. Being present and attentive can be the most eff ective
or friends with pools, establish and enforce a set of safety
preventive measure against potential accidents.
rules. Make sure your children understand the importance
Swim Lessons: Th e Gift of Confidence and Safety of following these rules, such as no running around the pool,
Enrolling children in swim lessons early on is an investment no diving in shallow water, and always entering the water feet
in their safety and confidence around water. Professional first. Consistent reinforcement of these guidelines will create
instructors can teach essential water skills, instill proper a safe and responsible pool environment.
techniques, and build a foundation for a lifetime of safe Emergency Preparedness: Be Ready for the Unexpected
swimming. Caroline County Recreation and Parks, the YMCA, Lastly, be prepared for emergencies. Ensure that you and your
and private swim instruction companies in the region off er children know basic water rescue skills, CPR, and how to call
classes suitable for different age groups making it convenient
for help in case of an emergency. Quick response time is oft en
crucial in water-related incidents, and having the knowledge
and ability to act promptly can be lifesaving.
In conclusion, as we celebrate National Water Safety Month,
let’s pledge to keep our families safe, happy, and splashing
responsibly. By prioritizing supervision, investing in swim
lessons, choosing appropriate environments, using safety gear,
establishing and enforcing pool rules, and being prepared for
emergencies, parents can ensure that their kids develop a love
for water activities while staying safe in the process.
Janet Dove,
920 Gay St., Denton
Appointments ONLY! Please call to schedule