Page 17 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 17

Philip Gill and Camille Woodbury to   Harmony Road, LLC to Gregory N.
            Jonathan Payne Probst, Cranfi eld Road,   Turner, Harmony Road, Preston,
            Denton, $153,000.                  $825,000.                             WELL
            Janice Nicole Morris to Erik J. Eller-  Kelly C. Willey and Christopher A.
            busch and John J. Ellerbusch, Jr., 112   Willey to David E. Lockhart, 308 Holt   DRILLING
            Carolin Court, Preston, $259,000.  Street, Federalsburg, $170,000.
            Eugene A. Roe and Dale M. Roe to Lisa   Nicholas D. Summers and Kelsey L.
            M. Shores and James R. Shores, Jr., 6101   Dusock to Gregory Charles Wood, Jr.   PLASTIC CASING
            Bethlehem Road, Preston, $145,000.  and Megan Wood, 309 Franklin Street,
                                               Denton, $209,000.
            Brandi Lynne Collier Colbert, Charles
            F. Turner, Jr. and Cynthia L. Turner to   Red Oak Development, LLC to Kara J.   Commerical/Residential
            Fred Warren Wynns and Tiff any  La-  Pollak, 404 Sunset Boulevard, Ridgely,    & Irrigation
            vette Moaney-Wynns, 612 Gay Street,   $327,950.
            Denton, $260,000.                                                                    Gould
                                               Judith Elissa Sullivan to Brian C. New-    Also
            Trudy J. Dean to Crystal Dawn Ward   comer and Cortney Michelle Newcom-              Pumps
            and Allan R. Ward, 12723 Ridgely   er, 4870 Houston Branch Road, Feder-
            Road, Greensboro, $400,000.        alsburg, $340,000.
            William R. Thomas, Jr. and Christie   Patrick W. Nika to ASO Ridgely, LLC, 2   Lifetime Well

            Thomas to Natalie Thomas, Hayden E.   W. Railroad Avenue, Ridgely, $280,000.


            Thomas and Jason Heston, 23293 Hog                                            Call Kenny Wood
                                               Justin A. Englert and Elizabeth M.
            Creek Road, Preston, $218,000.
                                               Englert to John A. Stoltz, Craft  Road,
            Janice M. Pugh to Christopher L. Al-  Preston, $70,000.
            gier and Whitney R. Algier, 25938
                                               Lawrence Peter Dire to Joshua Brandt,
            Beauchamp Branch Road, Denton,
                                               322 Maple Avenue, Federalsburg,

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