Page 18 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 18

Caroline CASA                open their hearts and their homes to provide stability for

                                Court Appointed Special Advocate  children and youth during an otherwise tumultuous time in
                                                                their lives. But foster care is intended as a support system for
                             by Amy Horne, Executive            families, not a substitute for parents. Many youth in foster care
                             Director, CASA of Caroline         don’t have the exposure to life skills that kids who remain with
                                                                their families of origin may learn. The transition to adulthood is

                                                                challenging enough but for youth who exit foster care without
                May is National Foster Care Month               ever achieving permanency there are even greater barriers to
                                                                a successful transition to adulthood.
            May is National Foster Care Month. It is a time to recognize and
                                                                This year’s National Foster Care Month theme, “Engaging
            honor foster families, volunteers, mentors, policymakers, child
                                                                Youth. Building Supports. Strengthening Opportunities.” raises
            welfare professionals, and other members of the community
                                                                awareness about the important role that members from all

            who help children and youth in foster care find safe, permanent,
                                                                parts of child welfare and our community are responsible for
            loving homes in which they can thrive. It’s also a time to
                                                                when it comes to helping youth leave care with strengthened
            consider how we all play a role in keeping children safe and
                                                                relationships, holistic supports, and real opportunities. It also
            families together.
                                                                emphasizes the importance of involving young people early
            Foster parents provide a critical safety net for children who’ve   and throughout their time in foster care to help improve their
            been abused, neglected, or abandoned by their families. Th ey   experience while in care, as well as their long-term outcomes.
                                                                And this year’s theme serves as a reminder that everyone in
                                                                the community can do their part too. Approximately 20,000
              Calvary Baptist Church                            youth age out of foster care every year without ever achieving a
                                                                permanent family. By creating opportunities for older youth to
                 1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404         learn life skills, we can help the young people in our community
                  thrive as they transition to adulthood.

                           Don Reynolds, Pastor                 Th e first week in May is also Children’s Mental Health Awareness
                                                                Week. CASA of Caroline is proud to be partnering with
                                                                Caroline County Public Schools and other local organizations
                                                                and businesses to support the Children’s Mental Health Matters
                                                                Campaign. It is a statewide campaign to raise public awareness
                                                                of the importance of children’s mental health, education to
                                                                discourage substance use, reducing stigma of mental health,
                                                                and connecting children and families with resources for
                                                                prevention and support of mental health conditions. For more
                                                                information, please visit www.childrensmentalhealthmatters.
                   Friday & Saturday, May 3 & 4                 While we all have a responsibility to help children and youth
                         Keri Kondracki Leading                 who’ve experienced abuse and/or neglect, this month we say
                     (see Community Calendar for details)       thank you to every foster family, child welfare professional,
                                                                judge and volunteer who dedicates their life to serving and
                  It Is All About Honoring Jesus Christ         protecting over 423,000 children and youth in the foster
                                                                care system. We are grateful for your dedication, selfl essness

                                                                and countless daily sacrifices to support children who have
             Atlantic Paving & Concrete                         experienced abuse or neglect. To learn more about National
                                                                Foster Care Month and the foster care system, please visit
                                                       If you are interested in learning more
                         Meeting all your needs!
                                                                about becoming a foster care resource here in Caroline County,
                                                                please contact the Caroline County Department of Social
                                   Asphalt  •  Concrete
                                                                Services at 410-819-4500. To learn more about becoming a
                                Asphalt Millings  •  Stone
                                                                CASA volunteer, please visit or call Amy
                                Grading  •  Snow Removal
                                                                at 410-479-8301. Together, we can “Change a Child’s Story”!
                                        Licensed, Bonded, Insured  The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention funded this project under
              MHIC MD#85409
              DE#2002110154             Office: 410-479-4477    sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view in this
                                                                document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the offi  cial position
                                       Mobile: 240-417-2033     of any State or Federal Agency. This project is supported by a grant from the Maryland

                         10025 Miller Rd,                       Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts number AOC-G20CA0225I.

                          Denton, MD     FAX: 410-479-3877
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