Page 22 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 22

DOLLARS AND SENSE                                        by Tolbert Rowe

               Remembering Richard Pursley  •  Warfields Sell Caroline Review

            Now that I am turning the ripe old age   teacher at Riverview, now Lockerman   Equally memorable to having
            of 65 it is becoming abundantly clear   Middle School. Back in the early 70’s,   experienced “Mr. Pursley’s General
            to me that the years that are behind   or as I say to my grandchildren, “Back   Business” class was watching and
            me are two to three times the number   in the Day”, every student was required   gossiping as middle schoolers will do
            of years I have ahead of me. I am also   to take this class. Today it is similar to   as Miss Julia Collins, a new teacher not
            aware that I am attending more funerals   the Financial Literacy class that is now   from Caroline County, attracted the
            than weddings. And I realize that I am   a graduation requirement, one of the   attention of bachelor, Mr. Pursley.
            subscribing to the local paper not so   significant legacies that I left  aft er 18

            much for “news” but to see whose life’s   years of serving on the Caroline County   I have very fond memories of Miss
            history is outlined in the obituaries.  Board of Education. But somewhere   Julia Collins. She survived her first-
                                               along the way, in the late 1970’s or early   year teaching with me as a “challenging”

            Rarely does a week go by that I don’t at   1980’s the required General Business   student. Suffice it to say that I had fun

            least know the person, or a close relative   class ceased to exist and was no longer   in 7th grade. She survived her 7th grade
            of the deceased. Such is life living in the   a part of the regular curriculum.  indoctrination so well that she found
            community where I “growed up.”                                       time to be effectively courted by Mr.
                                               My experience in “Mr. Pursley’s General   Pursley to the extent that they married
            Last month I wrote about my friend Bill   Business Class” was an essential part   in August of 1973. They had two sons

            Greenly who passed at the ripe old age   of my education in that it taught me   and a daughter, were blessed with four
            of 96; a bachelor with no children and   practical and basic skills that every   grandsons, and celebrated their 50th
            someone I considered a close friend in   citizen in our nation desperately needs.   wedding anniversary last year. She also
            the last couple decades of his life.   How to manage money.          retired as a Caroline County teacher.

            On March 20th Caroline County lost   I remember the big blue textbook and   As a teacher Richard Lee Pursley
            another native son who spent his   accompanying workbook where we    connected with and impacted the lives
            career as a teacher and community   had to write checks and balance our   of hundreds of young people and others
            advocate in the person of Richard Lee   checkbook, making sure we accounted   through the Lions Club and other
            Pursley. “Mr. Pursley, Dick, or Dickie”   for every penny earned and every   organizations. Our community is a

            did not influence the lives of many in   penny spent. We learned about types   better place because of his eff orts.
            northern Caroline County in a political   of businesses and the stock market
            or philanthropic sense. He infl uenced   and dividends and interest, all things   To those of you who are dedicated
            people in a personal sense, he was a   that are important for everyone to   to educating children, never take for
            teacher.                           understand. And this class was taught   granted the influence and impact
                                               in 7th grade!                     you can have on a child. I will always
            I was fortunate to have had Mr. Pursley                              remember “Mr. Pursley.”
            as my 7th Grade General Business
                                                                                 Losing a family member or close friend
                                                                                 is the circle of life that we all experience.
                                                                                 It forces us to move on with our lives
              “Your Mortgage Consultant Since 1985”
                                                                                 with continued purpose. We fondly
             Purchase or Refinance                                               reflect back on the lives of those we
                                                                                 lost and transition to life without them.
                                                                                 Death is an end but it is also a new
                                                                                 beginning for those left to carry on.

                                                                                 Loretta and Rich Warfield have
             115 E Dover St. Ste 3 - Easton, MD                                  announced the sale of the Caroline
                                                                                 Review. Since 1980 the “Review” has
                    C. Tolbert Rowe,
           NMLS         Vice President/Lending  been this colorful and free magazine

                                               182844                            that you find in neat stacks or in racks
                                                                                 at popular locations throughout the
               410-819-3005  /  cell 410-310-3520                                3-county area.
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