Page 25 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 25

Sponsor the Flowers/Downtown Denton                                 EXCLUSIVE ART

                Includes recognition on plaque with business name or family name
                      or donate in honor or in memory of a special person.
                          Gold: $75    |     Silver: $50     |     Bronze: $25

                                          Scan QR code below or mail
                                          checks and completed form
                                          to DDMS by 5/20/2024 to
                                          323 Market St, Denton, MD 21629
                                          For more information:
                                          Jessica Willoughby, Director of
                                          Downtown Denton Main Street
                                                                                       JOHN HARWOOD, ARTIST
                                                                                     120 paintings with mats
              0$.( '2:172:1 '(1721 %/220                                              15” x 11” each    $60 only
                                                                                        displayed in 2 art racks
              Your Name/Business Name:
                                                                                     25 LISTER LANE
              In Honor/Memory of:                                                         RIDGELY, MD

              Address:                                                                   11:30 am - 6:00 pm
              Phone:                                              Email:             May 4 & 5, 11 & 12, 18 & 19, 25
              Level of Sponsorship:      Gold      Silver      Bronze                     All are welcome!
                                                                                      CASH OR CREDIT CARDS
              Amount Enclosed:                                                            Coffee & Biscuits
              Make checks payable to                                                      410-829-4323
              DDMS or scan the QR code

                                                                                 banners that will grace Market Street in
                                                                                 Downtown Denton from June through
                               PART-TIME BARTENDER                               December. Embracing the theme
                      HELP WANTED                                                “Moments of Joy,” we aim to infuse our
                                                                                 streets with positivity and inspiration.
                                                                                 Interested artists are encouraged to visit
                                                                                 our website for comprehensive program
                            American Legion Caroline Post 29                     details, including artist information,
                                 9238 Legion Rd, Denton                          guidelines, and timeline, before submit-
                                                                                 ting their applications online. Alterna-
               Experienced and dependable part time bartender needed             tively, submissions can be made via mail

                                                                                 or in-person drop-off at Th e Foundry.
               for our Membership Lounge. Must be MD TIPS certified. This
              position is mostly nights, weekends, and holidays. You will be     Let’s unite in showcasing the dynamic
                       serving Veterans, their families, and friends.            essence of our community through the
                                                                                 boundless creativity of local artists. Join
                            Contact Jim at 410-310-5802 or                       us as we illuminate Denton’s Main Street
                             email                          with your artistic visions!

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