Page 20 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 20

Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner
                                    by Valerie O’Neal
                     Library Hours             Wednesday, May 1 – May 30, All ages,   Petite Picassos: Nature!
                                               Denton Makerspace
            CENTRAL BRANCH, DENTON                                               Does your toddler or preschooler love
            Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday,         No registration is required*     art and the outdoors?
            and Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM                 STEM Series With 4H:        Bring them to Petite Picassos for our

            Thursday: Noon - 8 PM                          Lego We Do 2.0        Nature session! Children learn through
            Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM                                               play while creating art. Be sure to wear
                                               Get ready for an exciting time! We’re
            FEDERALSBURG BRANCH                going to use tablets to create a whole   old clothes because creating cool things
            Monday, Wednesday, and Th ursday:    host of awesome robots based on Max   can be messy!
            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM          and Mia’s thrilling adventures. It’s going   Monday, May 20, 10:30 – 11:30 AM,
            Tuesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM    to be a blast!                    Children 1-4, Denton Library Large
            Friday & Saturday: Closed                                            Meeting room.

                                               Thursday, May 2nd, 6:30 – 7:30 PM,
            NORTH COUNTY, GREENSBORO           Children ages 8-12, Denton Branch.  Registration required*
            Monday, Tuesday, Th ursday:
                                               Registration required*                  Birding for Beginners!
            10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM
            Wednesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM        CCPL 3D Printing Certifi cation  Get your kids outside this May!
            Friday & Saturday: Closed
                                               Get certified to use our 3D printers!   Join us at Adkins Arboretum for a

            The first floor of the Central library                               low-key, fun introduction to birding
                                               We’ll go over safety, evaluating models
            has reopened and is ready to serve the                               for children.
                                               for printing, slicing, and starting a
            community. Come check out our new                                    We will walk around the Arboretum and
            space in person! For more information,                               explore the many ways we can encounter
                                               Thursday, May 16, 6:00 – 7:30 PM,
            visit                                           birds.
                                               Teens and Adults, Denton Branch.
                                                                                 Binoculars will be provided.
                                               Registration required*
                                                                                 Saturday, May 25, 10 – 11 AM, Children
               Maker Station/Maker Cart:       Please join us for a Central Library
                                                                                 5-12, Adkins Arboretum.
                  Spinning Sculptures          Renovation Celebration & Ribbon
                                                                                 Registration required*
            Make a spinning sculpture using a             Cutting!
            neodymium magnet.                  Saturday, May 18, 11:00 AM -1:00 PM,
                                               All ages, Denton Branch.
                                               No registration is required*
                                                                                 This month’s book is The Night Swim by

                                                                                 Megan Goldin. For information about
                                                                                 joining this group, call 410-479-1343.
                                                                                 Tuesday, May 21, 1:00 PM. No
                                                                                 registration is required*
                                                                                          Paws for Reading
                                                                                 Practice reading to a trained service dog!
                                                                                 Grigsby is a great listener and would
                                                                                 love to have you read a story to him.
                                                                                 Reading to a dog decreases the stress
                                                                                 that children often feel when reading
                                                                                 aloud. Grigsby is trained to sit or lay
                                                                                 calmly beside your child while he reads.
                                                                                 It’s a judgment-free zone that allows the
                                                                                 child to build confidence and develop

                                                                                 fl uency.
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