Page 23 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 23

The Caroline Review has remained   For the last 16-17 years, or however   from your labor of love and see where
            relevant for 44 years and is a testament,   long it has been, “Dollars and Sense”   the next stage of life will take you.
            not only to the vision of Rich’s mother,   has been the one constant in my month.
            Adelaide Warfield, who started the   The 15th stands out on my calendar   Although the Review will no longer
            Review, but to Rich and Loretta who   like the cans coming out of a cooker at   be connected to the Warfield family,

            have managed it so effectively. I am   KMC foods. You better get them in the   I am confident that it will continue its
            proud and thankful that they have   boxer and get the boxes on the pallet,   legacy of providing timely and useful
            allowed me to be a part of it.     cause the cans will keep coming. Th ose   information to our community while
                                               of you who have worked in a cannery   offering advertisers an inexpensive
            Somewhere around 2007- 2008 I began   know exactly what I am referring to!  platform on which to communicate
            writing this monthly column and with                                 their message. It is my intent to continue
            their encouragement have been able to   But more important than the thanks   with “Dollars and Sense” as long as the

            continue. Some months the words come   that I express for my own efforts is the   new publisher desires, or until my aging

            easier than others. This is one of those   thanks I express for what you have   mind and typing ability takes leave.
            more challenging articles.         provided our community. With all the
                                               bad going on in the world the Caroline   Rich and Loretta, Jeanne and I wish
            If you are a regular reader, fi rst I want   Review has brought a message of good,   you all the best in retirement, and we
            to say thank you. I especially want to   interesting and inciteful information   especially wish you good health so that
            thank those of you who have reached   about our County and what is going   you will be able to enjoy it. This is not

            out to me to approve or condone what   on it.                        “Goodbye” it is “See you later.”
            I have written. Without it I wouldn’t
            know if anyone was actually reading   Although the Caroline Review has been   Mr. Rowe is Vice President/Lending for
            it. Fondly I remember some who have   a family affair for all of its 44 years,   Bay Capital Mortgage Corp. with offi  ces
            approached me socially and asked,   the time has come for the family to   in Easton and Annapolis. He has lived in
            “what the heck were you thinking in   take leave. I know at some point during   Caroline for his entire life and supports
            last months article?”  John Webster, I   these past 44 years all of the Warfi eld   the county by volunteering in a variety of
            still remember your comments all those   family has in some way been a part of   ways. He currently lives near Greensboro
            years ago.                         getting an issue to publication and into   with his wife Jeanne and daughter Kelsey.
                                               the hands of its readers.
            Thank you, Loretta and Rich, for
            allowing me to pretend to be a writer.   But now it is time for you, Rich and
                                               Loretta, to take leave and step away

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