Page 29 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 29
Baseball Tolbert Rowe his Cal Ripkin Collec- For three hours Saturday afternoon,
tion, and Sandy Wright his baseball card baseball will be celebrated, and you
Collectibles collection. There will be memorabilia are invited to participate. If you have
Exhibit from Eastern Shore League Baseball a favorite baseball collectible, show
courtesy of Dick Wheatley, and more. us what you have and tell your story
Collecting vintage baseball items is a The cost of the event is $20 for members behind it. Come join the celebration.
very popular hobby that spans genera- of the Historical Society, and $25 for For more information, contact Cathy
tions. This is true for the Eastern Shore non-members - kids 12 and under will or Rick Schwab at
Maryland. On June 1st from 1- 4 pm, be free. Included in the entry fee, people or call/text 410-991-8225.
local collectors will be putting their will have the opportunity to picnic over- As a prelude, a Baseball Poker Walk
collections on display for the public at looking the Choptank River with a hot is being sponsored by the Healthy
the scenic Wharfs Of Choptank Visitor dog, a box of crackerjacks and a small Parks/Healthy People Program of the
Center. The event is sponsored by the bottle of water. Additional hot dogs, Maryland Parks Service and Maryland
Caroline Historical Society.
crackerjacks and water will be available Department of Natural Resources. Th e
Tony Gianninoto will have his collection for purchase. Check or cash accepted at walk will begin at the Martinak State
of baseball gloves/mitts. John Hock will the door. Park Office at 12 noon and finish at the
display his Harold Baines Collection, Visitor Center. During the walk, partici-
pants will pick up five playing cards and
MEDIUM & TRUCKS, the three highest scoring hands will be
awarded a prize.
HEAVY-DUTY TRAILERS, Scoring will be 4 points for an ace
SPECIALISTS AND MORE! (homer), 3 points for a king (triple),
two points for a queen (double) and
one point for a jack (single); the ace of
spades will be worth 10 points (grand
slam). Participation for the Walk is
free, and registration is by email (Karen.
Engine Repairs, Rebuilds, & Replacements Perfect Touch
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1143 Shore Hwy. Denton
OVER 100 YEARS OF EXPERIENCE! 410-479-2833
Ann Draper &
Lisa Young (Murray), Stylist
Over 30 years
combined experience
Appointments Appreciated
Walk-Ins Welcome
Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.
Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon · 410-754-5531