Page 31 - May 24 Issue.indd
P. 31

tling company at some point or has been   Duane Gill: Denton, 1999; WWE Light   Mr. Ooh La La: see below
            honored by induction into a respected   Heavyweight Champion for fi ft een
            industry Hall of Fame. With that said, I   months                    As a special surprise for attendees, two
                                                                                 active wrestlers were booked to appear
            created the list so I am allowed an excep-
                                               Chaz Warrington: Denton, 1999;    for the historical society event. James
            tion or two. In chronological order, the
                                               WWE Tag Team Champion             Ellsworth, a WWE alumni, and Mr. Ooh
            documented occurrences are:
                                                                                 La La, a northeastern indy fed legend,
                                               Ted DiBiase: Denton, 2002; WWE Hall
            Ann Laverne: Greensboro, 1951; Pro                                   answered myriad questions, signed
                                               of Fame, 2010
            Wrestling Hall of Fame, 2019                                         autographs, and posed for pictures with

                                               Nikolai Volkoff: Goldsboro, 2014;   adults and children alike. In fact, Mr.
            Fabulous Moolah: Denton, 1954;     WWE Hall of Fame, 2005            Ooh La La even “decked” the verbose
            WWE Hall of Fame, 1995
                                                                                 lead presenter with his wife’s murder
                                               James Ellsworth: see below
            King Kong Bundy: Denton, 1998;                                       mystery novel to the delight of the crowd
            WrestleMania II Main Event, 1986   Tammy Lynn Sytch: Denton, 2016;   as part of the show (or possibly sponta-
                                               WWE Hall of Fame, 2011            neous and deserved). While it may or
            Stevie Richards: Denton, 1998; WWE
                                                                                 may not have been the greatest night
            Hardcore Champion 21 times         Gangrel: Denton, 2016 and Ridgely,   in the history of pro wrestling, it was
                                               2023; multiple territory championships
            Joey Mercury: Denton, 1998 and 1999;                                 an enjoyable evening to be in Greens-
            WWE Tag Team Champion three        Teddy Long: Denton, 2017; WWE Hall   boro for all who enjoy and “get” sports
            times                              of Fame, 2017                     entertainment.

            The Iron Sheik: Denton, 1999; WWE   Jay and Mark Briscoe: Denton, 2019;
            Hall of Fame, 2005                 Ring of Honor Tag Team Champions
                                               13 times
            Yokozuna: Denton, 1999; WWE Hall
            of Fame, 2012                      Marc Mero: Denton and Federalsburg,
                                               2019; WCW Television and WWE
                                               Intercontinental Champion

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