Page 34 - May 24 Issue.indd
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(FACES) Fiber Arts Center of The exhibit is free and open to the public from May 22 through
July 13, during our regular days and hours, Weds - Saturdays
the Eastern Shore from 12 - 4 PM. There will be a reception on June 2 from 12
- 4 PM.
7 N. 4th St., Denton, MD 410-479-4296
info@fi Improv Star Quilt Class With Alice Kish
May 4, 9:30-3:30. Cost is $40 for Members/$50 Non Members.
An Evolution of Quilts: Colette Metcalf Through
May 11 – Weds., Thurs., Fri. and Saturdays, 12-4 PM Improv stars uses a slash and sew technique that makes each
set of stars diff erent but alike. Accent strips are inserted and
The Fiber Arts Center is pleased to introduce our next quilt each set shines on its own. This class is a great introduction
exhibitor, Colette Metcalf! Colette has been quilting since the to improv piecing and the result is a fun, lively quilt whether
1980s and is a prolific and talented quilter and teacher. She loves you use solids or your favorite prints. Please call Kay Butler
to make all types of genres of quilts and is particularly fond of at 410-829-5136 for a supply list or to sign up for this class.
hand embroidery. She is always looking for new techniques to
incorporate into her quilting classes. She presently shares her Wool Spinning
quilting knowledge with other quilting friends at the Christ
Have you ever thought about making
Episcopal Church in Cambridge and teaches a group called
your own yarn? Learn the basics
“The Dorchester Samplers”. There they make charity quilts,
of spinning wool into yarn using a
baby quilts, hospice quilts, quilts for veterans and pillowcases.
drop spindle in this introductory
Her absolute passion is to teach beginner quilters and she
class. Instructor Beth Hansen will
enjoys watching her students improve their quilting skills.
teach the basics of spinning wool
Come see this lovely Irish quilter’s wonderful quilt display.
into yarn in this class.
You’ll be in for such a treat!
Friday, June 7, 10 AM - Noon. Cost is $30 Members/$40
Members Exhibit Non Members.
It is time to showcase all of the amazing talent of the Fiber Arts
Supply kits will be available for $15. If you have a drop spindle,
Center members! Quilts of all sizes, crocheted or knitted work,
you may bring it. Please call Kathleen at 443-995-1096 or the
needlepoint, weaving, etc. will be on display for what promises
office at 443-448-4611 to sign up or at EventBrite, https://www.
to be a most beautiful and diverse exhibit! =oddtdtcreator.
The Wonky Star Quilt Class
13699 Greensboro Rd. July 13, 9:30-3:30. Cost: $40
Greensboro, MD 21639 Members / $50 Non Members.
410-482-6897 Instructor: Alice Kish
Students will learn to make
Saturday: 6 PM improv stars of various sizes
Sunday: 11 AM using mainly scraps. This is a
great class for beginners! Call Kay
Butler for sign up at 410-829-
5136, and call Alice for additional
Impacting Caroline County and beyond class questions and a supply list at 410-253-2330.
with the love of Christ for eternal gain!
Mulching • Mowing • Trimming
Yard Cleanup & More