Page 18 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 18
Caroline County Public Library
Library Corner
by Valerie O’Neal
Library Hours Thursday, March 14, 6:30 – 7:30 PM, It’s a judgment-free zone that allows the
Ages 16 and up, Denton Branch. child to build confidence and develop
Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Registration required*
and Friday: 10 AM - 6 PM Petite Picassos: Paint Day Thursday March 28, 4:00 - 4:30
Thursday: Noon - 8 PM PM, 4:30 - 5:00 PM, 5:00 - 5:30 PM,
Does your toddler or preschooler love
Saturday: 10 AM - 2 PM children ages 5-12, Denton Branch.
to paint? Bring them to Petite Picassos One registrant per session*
Monday, Wednesday, and Th ursday: Winter/Spring Storytime
Monday, March 18, 10:30 - 11:30
10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM Join us for a half-hour of fun songs,
AM, Ages 1-4 years, Denton Library
Tuesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM stories, and fingerplays that encourage
Makerspace. Registration required*
Friday & Saturday: Closed the development of early literacy skills.
CCPL Cricut Certifi cation Feel free to stay and play aft erward, chat
Monday, Tuesday, Th ursday: This program will go over the basics of with other parents and caregivers, and
10 AM - 2 PM and 3 - 6 PM using the Cricut. On completion, you allow children to explore the activities
Wednesday: Noon - 2 PM and 3-8 PM will be certified to use our Cricut. in our Early Literacy Center.
Friday & Saturday: Closed Thursday, March 21, 6:00 – 7:30 PM, This program is designed for children
The first floor of the Central library Adults, Denton Branch. Registration from birth to age five with a caregiver.
has reopened and is ready to serve the required* Tuesdays, 10:30 AM, birth to age 5,
community. Come check out our new North County Branch, Greensboro.
space in person! For more information, No registration is required*
visit Paws for Reading
Practice reading to a trained service dog!
This month’s book is: Sharp Objects by
Grigsby is a great listener and would
Gillian Flynn. For information about
STEM Series With 4H: Make A love to have you read a story to him.
Leprechaun Balloon Rocket Reading to a dog decreases the stress joining this group, call 410-479-1343.
that children often feel when reading Tuesday, March 19, 1 PM, adults,
This month, attendees will learn about aloud.
forces in motion with a simple balloon Federalsburg Branch
rocket. Grigsby is trained to sit or lay calmly *For programs requiring registration,
beside your child while he reads. please visit or call 410-479-
Thursday, March 7, 5 – 6 PM, Children
ages 8-12, Denton Branch
Registration required*
Murder Mystery Dinner Theatre
The Caroline County Public Library and
the Caroline County Council of Arts
present “A Fond Farewell” written by
David Moberg.
Tickets available at:
Friday, March 8th & 9th, 6:00 PM - 9:30
PM, Adults, Caroline Country Club
CCPL 3D Printing Certifi cation
Get certified to use our 3D printers!
We’ll go over safety, evaluating models
for printing, slicing, and starting a