Page 22 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 22

Recreation & Parks
                                                          QUEEN ANNE-HILLSBORO VOLUNTEER FIRE COMPANY
                                                           A ANNUAL DINNER
                                                           ANNUAL DINNER
               Check out the complete list of
               classes and online registration
            St. Paddy’s Day 5K and 1-Mile
            Fun Run & Lil’ Leprechaun                     Dine In Buffet-Style
            Dash                                         or Carryout Available
            Join us for our 16th annual St. Paddy’s
                                                    SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2024
            Day Race! Start your salute to the Irish   SUNDAY, APRIL 7, 2024
            and your spring fi tness  conditioning

            on this certified fast and scenic course        12:00 PM - 3:00 PM
            through Denton with a 5K and 1-Mile
            Fun Run. Plenty of lucky surprises             Queen Anne-Hillsboro Fire Hall
            await on the course and at the fi nish.              13512 First Street
            Register anytime through our fi nish
            line production partner Seashore                     Queen Anne, MD
            Striders  at  www.seashorestriders.
            com. Early registrants are guaranteed          COUNTRY HAM,
            a commemorative performance tee.

            This event benefits youth registration         FRIED CHICKEN,

            financial aid and scholarship fund
            for recreation programs produced by     CHICKEN & DUMPLINGS
                                                         WITH ALL THE FIXIN'S
            Registration begins at 8 AM; race starts                                             TICKETS:
            at 9 AM, Fretterd Community Center.
                                                       For More Info or Advance Tickets:        $20
            Pre-registration: $32 for 5K, $17 for           Text or Call 410-920-9146                  In Advance
            1-Mile Fun Run. Add $5 aft er February
            23. Registration closes at 3 PM on                   Or Purchase online             $25
                                                                                                $25 At the Door
            March 15. Shirts not guaranteed for         
            late registrations.                                                                 Kids Under 5 are Free
                                                                                                   (For Dine In Only)
            Lil’ Leprechaun Dash
            Saturday, March 16                                                        Events to Benefi t
            Fretterd Community Center          When the sun goes down the fun begins!
                                               In this variation of the traditional   Children Exploration
            Kick off the festivities with a 100-meter   Easter Egg Hunt, kids ages 3 – 10 will    Toy/Electronic Bingo

            dash down 4th Street exclusively for   hunt eggs in the dark using only a

            youngsters ages 5 and under. Special   flashlight and their own night vision.     Held at Goldsboro VFW on March

            prizes for all fi nishers.         There will be prizes for the special eggs   24. The doors open at 11:30 am and

                                               that are found.  Each participant needs   Bingo starts at 1 pm.
            $7 advance registration; $10 after   to bring a flashlight (size limited to
            February 23 or day of event. Dash at   2 D batteries) and a basket or bag to    Rock Hunt
            8:40 before the St. Paddy’s Day event.  collect the eggs.  Parent or guardian   March 17 at Martinak State Park.

                                               must attend with their child. Th e hunt   The cost is $15 per child. Check in
            To register for the St. Paddy’s Day Race,
                                               is separated by age: 3-4 years at 7:45pm,   will begin at 12 pm. m questions
            please use the following link: https://
                                               5-7 years at 8:00pm and 8-10 years   please contact Angela Cowgill at
                                               at 8:15pm. Register online or onsite.   410-829-6084.
            Flashlight Easter Egg Hunt         Cafeteria doors open at 7:15pm for
                                                                                   For more information and tickets,
                                               check-in and onsite registration. Rain
            Friday, March 22 at Denton Elementary                                  contact Angela Cowgill at 410-829-
                                               date: Wed. March 27.
            School. $5/child.                                                      6084, or visit the Facebook page
                                                                                   Children Exploration Organization.
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