Page 25 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 25

representatives from all of the local   challenges, and childhood cancer.
            and regional service groups that off er   Environmental stewardship, support
            public and private sector services to the   for local food pantries and free use loan
            Marydel community and its surround-  of hospital equipment will also continue
            ing environs.                      to be part of our mission.

            A third project is to complete the   We continue to be actively engaged
            distribution of our Club’s July 1, 2023   in the recruitment of new members.

            to June 30, 2024 Community Grants   The Club’s dinner meetings will now
            and to establish the composition of   occur on the second Tuesday of each
            the Club’s July 1, 2024 to June 30,   month at 6 PM in the dining room of
            2025 Community Grants including    the Marydel Volunteer Fire Company
            the Club’s very successful College and   in Marydel and are catered by the Chefs   Play BINGO
            Trades School Academic Scholarships.  of the Ladies Auxiliary. Comments and
                                               questions relative to programs and proj-  EVERY TUESDAY NIGHT
            Please continue to know that 100%   ects can be answered by contacting
            of all of the funds raised by our fund-  Lion Lee Voshell at leevoshell@gmail.  American Legion Caroline Post 29
            raising activities is dedicated to the   com or 410-482-8510 or Lion Terry   9238 Legion Rd,  Denton
            programs and projects that benefit   Higgins at terryhiggins38@outlook.
            the children, youth, families, adults   com or 302-363-5823.                  Doors open at 5 PM
            and seniors that are residents of the                                        Games start at 7:30 PM
            Maryland and Delaware Mason-Dixon   We are now on Facebook at Marydel    /DUJH -$&.3276
            Line Communities and environs of   Lions Club.                            /DUJH 3$<2876
            Marydel.  In addition to the Club’s
            grants, we will be providing support                                      For more information, call the
            to those with visual problems, diabetic                                     Legion at 410-479-2708

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