Page 21 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 21

Caroline CASA                students launch the “Pinwheels of Hope” Coloring Project. All

                                Court Appointed Special Advocate  Caroline County students are encouraged to color pinwheels
                                                                that will be posted in storefronts around the county and
                                  by Amy Horne, Executive       featured in the “Pinwheels of Hope” exhibit at Th e Foundry
                                 Director, CASA of Caroline     in April.  Last year, nearly 1,200 colored “Pinwheels of Hope”
                                                                were submitted by CCPS students!
            No child deserves to live isolated and neglected or in fear   Also, during the month of April, businesses, government
            of abuse. Unfortunately, abuse and neglect occur all too   agencies, and everyone in the community are encouraged
            often and can result in numerous adverse consequences for   to create pinwheel gardens.  Blue and silver pinwheels are

            children and youth. These consequences are known as ACE’s   the national symbol for the prevention of child abuse and

            (Adverse Childhood Experiences) and they can have serious,   neglect because they are an uplifting reminder of childhood

            long-lasting consequences.  For instance, children who have   and the bright futures that all kids deserve. CASA of
            been physically abused may exhibit violent and aggressive   Caroline’s Pinwheels for Prevention campaign symbolizes
            behavior.  Also, children who’ve experienced abuse and/or   our community’s commitment to protecting the children of
            neglect are more likely to become involved with the Juvenile   Caroline County and keeping our neighborhoods safe for
            Justice System, to develop a substance use disorder, to drop   children and families.  Last year, more than two dozen pinwheel
            out of school, and a litany of other negative outcomes. Th e   gardens were created throughout the county. This year’s goal is

            more severe the abuse they experience, the greater and more   at least 30 displays – and a big thank you to the Towns of Ridgely
            long-term the consequences may be.  Taking timely action by   and Greensboro who have already committed to sponsoring
            raising awareness and organizing prevention activities can help   and creating pinwheel gardens! The community-wide Pinwheel

            curb child maltreatment.                            Planting Ceremony will take place in the Denton Community
                                                                Garden on Wednesday, April 10 at 4:30pm. The “Pinwheels of

            Join CASA of Caroline this April as we launch our 4th
                                                                Hope” exhibit will open immediately following the ceremony.
            Annual Pinwheels for Prevention campaign in recognition of
                                                                All are invited!
            National Child Abuse Prevention Month. This highly impactful

            community-wide campaign begins in March, when CCPS   Child abuse prevention starts with each one of us. Together we
                                                                can make it easier for families to access support services and
                                                                learn how to identify and build on family strengths. Creating
              Greater Impact                                    a safe environment for kids to grow up requires a collective

                                                                effort. As long as the entire Caroline County community is
              13699 Greensboro Rd,                              involved in raising awareness, children can look forward to a

              Greensboro, MD                                    healthy and bright future! The sponsorship form is in this issue
              410-482-6897                                      of the Caroline Review.  For more information on Pinwheels
                 13699 Greensboro Rd., Greensboro, MD
                                   for Prevention or any of CASA of Caroline’s programs, please
                              410-482-6897                      visit, call 410-479-8301, or email
              Saturday: 6 PM
                                                                The Governor’s Office of Crime Control & Prevention funded this project under
              Sunday: 11 AM                                     sub-award number CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points of view in this
                                                                document are those of the author and do not necessarily represent the offi  cial position

              Enjoy the EXPERIENCE                              of any State or Federal Agency. This project is supported by a grant from the Maryland

                                                                Judiciary’s Administrative Office of the Courts number AOC-G20CA0225I.

                              “Impacting Caroline County and beyond
                               with the love of Christ for eternal gain”

                                                                   Mulching  •  Mowing  •  Trimming
                                                                          Yard Cleanup & More

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