Page 24 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 24
A Growing Marydel Lions Club Experiencing
Good ‘Winds Of Change’!
Lions Clubs of Caroline Thanks to a multiplicity of positive factors including very
active team club members, overwhelming positive public
response to our fund raisers, an excellent record of continu-
ing public service and, last but not least, continued, creative
Greensboro Lions Club News advertising in the Caroline Review, our Club is now ready
to expand beyond its self-imposed, post-Covid boundar-
The Greensboro Lions Club will hold their annual Easter Egg ies. To that end, we feel that the last few years of Covid-
Hunt on Saturday, March 30 at Charles Bilbrough Memorial
induced combined monthly Business/Dinner Meetings will
Park on Rt. 480 in Greensboro. The Hunt will begin at noon
not provide us with enough planning time for some of the
and is open to all children ten years and under. Th ose hunting
proposed, forthcoming service activities and fundraisers that
eggs will be divided by age groups. Live rabbits will be avail- are currently on the ‘drawing board’.
able as prizes with consent of guardian, as well as for sale. All
participating children will receive candy. Specifically what we are proposing is to use the 6 PM fi rst
Tuesday of the month for various planning meetings at diff er-
Our club meets the 1st and 3rd Tuesday of each month (except
ent venues for different concurrent projects and then use the
for July and August) at 6:30 PM at Wheatley Hall, 300 West second Tuesday of the month as the dinner/report/update/
Sunset Avenue, Greensboro. Anyone interested in attending approval time together. Currently various ad hoc planning
should make a reservation by calling Lion Allen Kinnamon at
teams are working on re-establishing our much anticipated
302-398-3899. Please consider joining the Greensboro Lions
and very popular BBQ Chicken Dinners consisting of a half
Club and get in on all the fun. chicken, baked beans, applesauce, dinner roll and beverage.
At the same event we are discussing the possibility of a return
of our Club’s ‘World Famous Funnel Cakes’. A tentative date
of Saturday, May 18, at State Line Gas has been identifi ed for
this proposed activity.
Another proposed project under development is the estab-
HAMMER TRANSPORT LLC lishment of a ‘Marydel Community Appreciation Day’ at the
Marydel Community Park located on LePore Road in Marydel
on Saturday, July 13. Our intent with this project is to host
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