Page 27 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 27

A Bluegrass Concert                performances – typically the second
                                               Sunday of each month but always at
              with Bluestone at                the American Legion Post, 9238 Legion

              American Legion                  Road in Denton. Food and beverages for

                                               sale benefit the Legion Auxiliary.
                  on March 10                                                         Janet Dove,
                                               Mark your calendars for the upcoming
            One of the most vital aspects of Blue-  concert dates: Blue Daze on April 14    stylist
            grass music is feeling, sometimes   and Across the Tracks on May 19 (3rd
            referred to as soul. This month’s fine   Sunday so you can spend the 2nd with   CUTS  •  COLOR  •  PERMS
            band, Bluestone, captures this elusive   Mom).
            and all too rare quality. Based in York,   For more information on ESBA go to
            Pennsylvania, Bluestone brings together  920 Gay St., Denton
            a group of veteran musicians from a part   ShoreBluegrassAssociation/ or esblue-  410-310-4586
            of the country rich in Bluegrass music on the web.
            heritage.                                                                  Appointments ONLY!
                                                                                      Please call to schedule
            The doors for the Sunday March 10
            concert open at 12:30 at the American
            Legion Hall in Denton. Music begins
            at 1:00 p.m. with the house band – the
            “Kitchen Pickers”. The Bluestone set
            starts at 2:00 p.m. Admission is $15 and
            is open to the public.

            Bluestone members continue to fi nd the
            strength of their music rooted in tradi-
            tional Bluegrass while incorporating the

            influences of gospel, blues, and country/
            swing music. Carol Swamm is on vocals
            with Ben Sapp on banjo, Russ Hooper
            on dobro and Tom Cook on mandolin.
            In the finest Bluegrass father/ son tradi-

            tion, bass player Heath Laird honors the
            memory of father and founding member
            and mandolin player in Bluestone as the
            band manager. For more information,
            check out
            Baltimore banjo master Mike Mumford
            said in the liner notes on the bands 2014
            CD release: “A major part of any group’s
            sound is their choice of material. In
            addition to some original compositions,
            Bluestone makes bluegrass from a wide
            range of writers including Red Allen,
            Gordon Lightfoot, and John Lennon. It
            is a kind of ‘Bluegrass soul’ accurately
            captured and ably delivered. Bluestone’s
            music plays well on the ears and lands

            firmly in the heart.”
            The concert is produced by the Eastern

            Shore Bluegrass Association (ESBA), a
            not-for-profit association of volunteers

            committed to promoting and support-
            ing this American music. ESBA is more
            than 50 years old and the Sunday, March
            10th concert is one of nine monthly
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