Page 32 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 32
Morton in 1971, who had been appointed
14 Annual If interested in supporting these the next Secretary of the Interior. He
efforts, please contact Marie Freeman won, but had accepted $25,000 from a
Walk for the 410-562-0283. Any support is needed Richard Nixon presidential campaign
WELL of It to help with this life-saving work. Of fund that would in time be scrutinized
note, $3,500 will provide an entire as part of the Watergate investigation.
5K/Fun Walk community or school with a well and Worried he had broken the law and thus
clean drinking water. had ruined his political career as well as
This Annual Walk for the WELL of It, alienated supporters in the community,
will be held on Saturday, March 23 at Checks, payable to Lifetime Wells he was found dead at his home in 1973;
Lifetime Well Drilling, 24321 Shore International, should be directed to the cause of death was apparently a self-
Hwy, Denton. The annual event helps - Lifetime Wells International, Attn: inflicted gunshot wound. It was later
to spread awareness of the world water Marie Freeman, 24321 Shore Highway, determined, sadly, that no fiduciary
crisis as we raise funds to supply clean Denton, MD 21629.
crime had occurred but in a series of
water to rural areas of Africa, specifi - Shrimp Dinner & Online Auction suicide notes Mills indicated he was
cally in the countries of Ghana and A Shrimp Dinner will be held on despondent over the failing health and
Tanzania; while promoting physical March 2nd at at 4 PM at the Choptank passing of several people close to him.
fitness in our local community. River Yacht Club where online auction It makes one wonder what the legacy of
items will be showcased. Th e online
To sign up for the Walk, visit https:// William Mills might have been, what
auction will be through triceauctions. impact on the Shore and the county
WalkForWells5K he would have made, if he had not
chosen to take his own life. We have
not had a resident Congressman since,
and considering the isolated nature of
Caroline plus the lack of serious attempts
Call me to
made by would-be leaders here, we may
book your.... not again.
Unique These men, for better or worse, should
be household names in Caroline County.
How can we promote this aspect of our
Tropical history? I have tried to do my part,
submitting a nearly 160 bullet-point
timeline to the county commissioners
this month celebrating our 250th
Retreat anniversary including snippets about
each of them. This is not the first
time I have so highlighted those five,
either. About eight years ago, when
for spring break, researching the names of all of the
summer vacation, county commissioners to ever serve
reached a dead end (largely because
or travel! the first newspaper in Caroline was not
published until 1831 and apparently
any official records that might have
been kept internally did not survive
shifting the county seat between Melvill’s
Warehouse, Greensboro, and Pig Point),
I suggested that a display be created
in the courthouse to acknowledge our
Lindsay Lister resident Congressmen. Maybe that
Independent Travel Agent idea will be revived as part of this year’s
443.786.5335 | EASTON, MD semiquincentennial observance.
LINZYBLISTER@GMAIL.COM If not, here’s an alternative idea. I am
partial to George Waggaman because
Louisiana is my favorite state to visit.
Certified in Honeymoons & Destination Weddings Since the good Senator died in March,