Page 37 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 37

It is


                                                                                             to get screened
                                                                                            for colon cancer.

              Did you know?

              Sometimes abnormal growths,
              called polyps, form in the colon
              or rectum. Over time, some polyps
              may turn into cancer. Screening      is the second leading
              tests can find polyps so they can    cancer killer….
              be removed before turning into
              cancer. Screening also helps find
              colorectal cancer at an early        but it doesn’t have to be.
              stage, when treatment often
                                                   OVER 45?
              leads to a cure.
                                                   GET SCREENED FOR
              Some studies suggest that people
              may reduce their risk of             COLORECTAL CANCER
              developing colorectal cancer by      Make the call today to see
              increasing physical activity,
              limiting alcohol consumption,        if you are eligible for our
                                                   NO COST          screening program.
              and avoiding tobacco.

              Overall, the most effective way
                                                     Let us help you get your colonoscopy!
              to reduce your risk of colorectal
              cancer is by having regular           For more information, call the Caroline
              colorectal cancer screening           County Health Department at 410-479-8080.
              tests beginning at age 45.
                                                                                  FUNDED BY MARYLAND DEPARTMENT OF
                                                                                  HEALTH CIGARETTE RESTITUTION FUND

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