Page 39 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 39
the month. Meetings are held at the
Elks located at 502 Dutchman’s Lane in
Easton. Single, widowed, divorced and Every crop begins with planting.
separated individuals are invited. Feel
free to come visit with us. We meet at
4:30 PM for social time, dinner will be
at 5:00 PM and the meeting will follow
dinner. For information call Gladys at
The Museum of Rural Life, 16 N. 2nd
St., Denton is reopening Saturday, March
2 from 11:00 to 4:00. The museum will
also be open March 9, 16, 23 and 30.
The RLM houses WWI and WWII Join us f e
exhibits, an intact sharecropper’s cabin, 1st annual
memorabilia from FDR’s visit to Denton
hand for tours. Free to the public. Visit Blessing Planters
in 1938, ship models from various eras
of Caroline shipbuilding, among many
other historical exhibits. A docent is on, 410-479-2055.
Upper Shore Genealogical Society Saturday, March 23, 2024
of Maryland - The Research Center/ 10 AM to 2 PM with the Blessing at noon
Library is located at 12156 Greensboro
Road, Greensboro. The hours of Town of Goldsboro, MD
operation are most Saturdays, from 9
AM - 2 PM. The Research Center is
usually closed on holiday weekends • Are you a farmer?
and dates of membership meetings. • Do you plant a garden to feed yourself
Particularly for out of town researchers,
the Research Center can be visited by or your family?
special request. Email us at usgsmd@ • Do you produce crops that you sell to others? ? Membership meetings are
held at 1 p.m. the second Saturday of Then YOU are a FARMER!
January, March, May, September and
November. Locations may vary, but will
be posted on the website at
and our official Facebook group (https:// Everyone is welcome to bring their planters. Anything from a garden hoe
prior to meetings. to a huge agriculture planter will be
Preston Historical Society Museum, blessed. Growing a garden and feeding
located at 167 Main Street, Preston, will our family makes you a farmer.
be closed January through March, but will
reopen in April. For more information
visit • T otes with giveaways
or call 410-924-9080. • Children’s Poster Contest
Men, come join us for “Men Praying
Together” every Saturday. Women, • Food truck
come join us for “Women Prayer • Easter games and the
Together” every Saturday. Time is
8:30-9:30 AM. Come fellowship with Easter Bunny
other believers and be strengthened
and inspired. All are welcome—bring
a neighbor/friend. Join us at Calvary