Page 43 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 43
laying in that bed and being treated so
horribly made me want to fi ght harder.
Having a chronic illness is something
I wouldn’t wish on anyone but having
multiple chronic illnesses is even worse.
Endometriosis is linked to so many other
illnesses its almost like you are waiting to
see what happens next. Having someone
to talk to and doctors that will listen
are two of the most important parts
of this journey. You must advocate for
yourself and you have every right to ask
for another doctor and to decide if you
will be seen by certain other doctors. It’s
scary and it’s hard to advocate for your-
self because so many doctors think they
know everything about most conditions.
I would rather have a doctor say that
they do not know much about endome-
triosis and ask questions then to assume
things that are not true.
Endometriosis has taken so much from
me but it has also given me a voice, a
voice that cannot and will not be quieted
until everyone knows what endometrio-
sis is and how it can affect your daily
life. So many women have the common
endometriosis issues such as infertility,
extreme pain, extreme fatigue, gastro-
intestinal issues, pain during and aft er
intercourse and many emotional and
mental health issues.
Everyone wants to judge people and that
is the last thing we need to be doing.
Yes, I look OK on the outside and I am
usually pretty good at pretending I’m
OK, but I always say if I could put on the
outside of my body what’s on the inside,
most would stay ten miles away from
anything you can do except be there and We are having our Third Annual Go
me and I know so many other women
be supportive. Yellow for Endo Day on March 15th.
feel that way.
I ask you to please wear yellow, share
March is Endometriosis Awareness
If you don’t know about endometrio- your story, put a yellow light outside
Month and I feel as though I need to
sis that’s OK, but all you have to do is your house, turn your facebook yellow
speak up and help as many people as
ask someone who is suffering from this and post your picture on our page, Endo
possible. Though I try to educate others
disease and most of us would be more Warriors of the Eastern Shore.
all year, March is full force with Town
than happy to explain it to you. We
Hall Meetings, County Commissioner Thank you for your time, understanding
struggle daily with so many emotions
meetings and speaking to as many and support to show these women and
mentally and physically. I sometimes
people as possible. So many towns and young girls they are not alone. They
feel like I am not a good enough mom,
counties, along with companies and have an amazing community ready and
wife, daughter, friend, and aunt, but then
organizations, have shown so much willing to fight with them.
I remember these people love me and
support over the last four years and
unfortunately, endometriosis is a family
I want to keep building on that. The
disease. Each woman’s family struggles
support from the community helps so
as well because they wish they could do
many of us know we are not alone.
something to help and there really isn’t