Page 40 - March 2024 Issue.indd
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Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street, Denton. Contact: or 410-924-0552.
410-924-6404,, https:// SECOND SATURDAYS
Giving Grace Food Pantry held at Goldsboro Fire Co.,
FIRST SATURDAYS 700 Old Line Road, Goldsboro. Food available from 7 AM
Community Civic League Breakfast, 3439 Laurel Grove until. For more information, call 302-270-1948. Sponsored by
Road, Federalsburg. Every first Saturday, 7-10:30 AM. Scrapple, Trinity United Methodist Church, Goldsboro.
sausage, eggs, potatoes, applesauce, biscuit, oj, coff ee. Cost is
Th e 1809 Exeter House (Old Denton Road, Federalsburg) will
$8. Local delivery available. One free breakfast to anyone who
be open for tours on the second Saturday of each month, from
attended the original school or day care. Contact: 410-754-6011
10 AM to 2 PM. Admission is free, but donations are welcome.
Exeter, located at 408 Old Denton Road in Federalsburg, is one
of the oldest remaining structures in southern Caroline County,
dating back to around 1800. Many of its early residents were
millers who worked in the grist mill across the road on the
Marshyhope Creek. Docents will be available. Admission is
free, but donations are welcomed! For more information, please
contact 443-434-3114 or
Eternal Life Ministries will have Fish Dinners available
from 11 AM until 3 PM. We are located at 807 Market Street
in Denton. For more information please call the church at
410-714-1087 or 410-725-1484.
! Men For Change Outreach will meet every second Saturday,
$ %
" from 11:30 AM - 1:00 PM at the Apostolic Pentecostal Church,
123 Liberty Road, Federalsburg. Contact: David Ricks, Sr.
443-786-5182, or Betty Jarman, 302-448-5939.
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+ *
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The Museum of Rural Life, 16 N. 2nd St., Denton is reopening!
Hours are 11 AM to 4 PM. A docent is on hand for tours. Free
to the public. Visit carolinehistory.or, 410-479-2055.
7 3 5838599 Soup Sale & Sandwich at noon at Eternal Life Ministries, 807
Market St., Denton.
Grocery Bingo at the Cordova Firehouse. Doors open at 5:45
and games begin at 6:30 PM. Refreshments will be available
for purchase. For more information, call Rose at 410-829-3771.
* + *
2 *+ 03 2+ Eternal Life Ministries Men’s Breakfast at 7.00 am. 807
Market Street, Denton
Denton Church of the Nazarene
Weekly Schedule
Palm Sunday, March 24
9:30 am, Sunday School Sunday: 9:30 am, Sunday School (all ages)
10:30 am, Palm Sunday Worship Service 10:30 am, Morning Worship
(Nursery & Children’s Church available)
Easter Sunday, March 31 Monday: 1:30 pm, Women’s Bible Study
7:00 am, Sunrise Service Perusing God
10:00 am, Easter Worship Service Tuesday: 7:00 pm, Celebrate Recovery
Together Wednesday: 6:30-8:00 pm, Awana
Scan to go to our website grades pre-K - 6th DCOTN Youth: 7:00-8:30 pm, grades 6-12
10660 Greensboro Rd Saturday: 7:00 am, Men’s Bible Study
Denton, MD