Page 41 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 41

Cordova Day from 10 AM-2 PM at
            the Cordova Firehouse. Contact:
            or 410-924-8296 for questions.
            SUNDAY, MARCH 10

            Eternal Life Ministries Pre Men’s
            Celebration at 3 PM, 807 Market St.,   C CrossWalk 2024

                                                    M March 12th
            Lenton Evening Service at 7 PM with
            Pastor Dale Krupala invited to speak.
            Other churches are invited also as part
            of a series of Sunday Evening Services
            in other churches. All are welcome—
            bring a neighbor/friend. Calvary Baptist
            Church, 1120 Market Street, Denton.
            Contact: 410-924-6404
            MONDAY, MARCH 11                        Starts at 12pm • St. Luke’s Methodist Church
            Caroline County AARP Chapter                        100 S. 5th Ave, Denton MD
            915 meets at noon, with a covered         Sponsored by the Caroline County Christian Clergy Association

            dish luncheon at the Church of the
            Nazarene in Denton.  There will be a
            presentation of senior care programs   Wooters at 410-479-0565 or email   SUNDAY, MARCH 31
            available through Upper Shore Aging.   caroco4hcraft  Easter Sunrise Service at 7 AM, 9005
            New members and guests are welcome.   SUNDAY, MARCH 24               Pealiquor Rd. Coffee, music, and
            Contact: 410-482-6039.             Palm Sunday Benefit Concert for   a message. Bible Study for all ages
            THURSDAY, MARCH 21                 Aarons Place Food Pantry at 4 PM,   is at 10 AM. Resurrection Sunday
            The Greensboro Town and Country    featuring local groups and artists being   Celebration at 11 AM – Choir, special
                                                                                 music and message. We also host
            Club will have a Bingo Night at the   held at Living Waters Assembly, 9058   Junior Church (Ages 5-11) and a great
            Greensboro Fire House on Main Street.   Double Hills Road, Denton. Catering   Nursery. No other services follow on
            Doors open at 5 PM with food available.   services by Helen and Rae’s of Easton.   Easter Sunday. All are welcome—bring
            Bingo starts at 6 PM. Games are 25 cents   Come out and be blessed, come out and   a neighbor/friend. Join us at Calvary

            a card per game and the winner of each   support fighting food insecurity on the   Baptist Church, 1120 Market Street,
            game splits the pot. Questions?  Call   Eastern Shore of Maryland. Questions:   Denton. Contact: 410-924-6404,
            410-253-3629.                      please call 443-243-5906.,  https://
            SATURDAY, MARCH 23                 FRIDAY, MARCH 29        
            Indoor Craft & Yard Sale to benefi t the   Good Friday Bake Sale at the Cordova   SUNDAY, APRIL 7

            Caroline County 4-H Program from 8   Firehouse starting at 8 AM until sold   Annual Tack Swap sponsored by the
            AM to 1 PM at the Caroline County 4-H   out! Lots of great homemade goodies   Delaware Appaloosa Horse Association
            Park, 8230 Detour Road, Denton. All   for your Easter celebration. For more   will be held from 10 AM to 2 PM at the
            vendors are welcome. Crafters, direct   information, call Belinda at 410-820-  Caroline County 4H Park, 8230 Detour
            sale consultants*, household items,   1283.
                                                                                 Road, Denton. Spaces are $35. Set up
            furniture, jewelry, antiques, horse tack,   Kids Bingo at the Cordova Firehouse.     starts 9 AM. Food available. Contact
            tools, pet items and more. *Direct sale   Doors open at 10 AM and games are   Tammy at 302-526-6944 or dahashow@
            consultants will be kept to one consultant   from 11 AM until 1 PM. Admission is
            per venue. Food available for sale. Cost is   $3. Children under the age of 12 must
            $15 per table. Set up is on Friday,  from   be accompanied by an adult. Th ere will   SATURDAY, APRIL 13
            6-8 PM or Saturday from 6-7 AM. Early   also be raffles. Lunch will be available   Ladies, “Mugs & Muffi  ns” will be held

            deadline to ensure a space is March   for purchase. For more information, call   from 9:30 - 11:30 AM at 9005 Pealiquor

            3rd. Proceeds from sale of table spots   Catherine at 443-988-8594.  Landing Dr., Denton. This is a special
            will benefit the Caroline County 4-H                                 Bible Study just for women. Come join
            Programs including scholarships, club   Good Friday Fish & Crab Cakes   us for a special time of sistership and
            needs, leadership and service learning   Dinner starting at Noon, and Seven   Bible teaching. All ladies are welcome—
            activities. For more information or   Last Words at 3 PM. Eternal Life   bring a neighbor/friend. Calvary Baptist
            to reserve a space, please call Joanne   Ministries, 807 Market St., Denton.  Church, 1120 Market Street, Denton.
                                                                                 Contact: 410-924-6404.

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