Page 46 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 46



            Catherine Crowfoot to Haven Way
            Holdings IV, LLC, 105 Chambers
            Street, Preston, $40,000.
            Kevin Snowden and Brenda Snowden
            to Tillman C. Ramsey, 15150 Jarrell
            Road, Goldsboro, $184,000.
                                                     4FQUJD 5BOL $MFBOJOH t %SBJO -JOF 4FSWJDF
            Charles S. Brinsfield and Lisa J. Brins-

                                                      )JHI 1SFTTVSF +FUUJOH  7JEFP 1JQFMJOF *OTQFDUJPO
            field to Harold G. Smith and Laura A.

                                                              4UPSN %SBJOT   $VMWFSUT $MFBOFE
            Smith, 6165 Bethlehem Road, Preston,                 -JET  3JTFST  (PVMET 1VNQT
            Guy W. Geisel and Amy E. Geisel to             24 Hour Emergency Service!
            Tabitha M. Turner, 105 S. Fift h Avenue,         .3 3005&3 t XXX NSSPPUFSNEEF DPN
            Denton, $256,125.
            Julia L. Walls to Kristin Rachael Ball,
            107 Butler Drive, Denton, $275,000.
                                                   Choptank Excavating, LLC
            Marina Dowdall and Damian Dowdall
            to Mason Storm Luongo and James El-
            wood Jones, Jr., 208 West 2nd. Street,
            Ridgely, $142,000.                                                      Sitework  •  Utilities
            Platinum Property Group, LLC to                                      Demolition  •  Driveways
            Amanda Marie Delayo, 300 N. School                                  Septics  •  Screened Topsoil
            Street, Greensboro, $210,000.
                                                                                          Fill Dirt
            William A. Moore, Sr. to William Alvan
            Moore, III, 12450 Ridgely Road, Ridge-                                   Recycled Concrete
            ly, $1,200,000.                                                         Millings  •  Hauling
            Bruce W. Kranz and Lynn G. Kranz to
            Paula J. Bishop, Collinswood Drive, Lot               802 Crystal Ave, Denton, MD
            11, Denton, $121,000.                     Fax: 410-479-1232       410-479-1223
            Matthew Martin and Allen J. Martin to
            James W. Grierson, Hrynko Road, Fed-
            eralsburg, $125,000.
            Hipolito Ramirez and Martha Ramirez
            to Richard D. Hamrick and Christine
            M. Hamrick, 3498 Pepper Road, Feder-  STUMP
            alsburg, $420,000.
            Eric V. Burbank and Carolyn Burbank  GRINDING
            to Crystal Lynne Rollins and Christo-
                                                   FREE Estimates
            pher Dugovich, 1211 Cattail Commons
            Way, Denton, $380,000.               Tim & Jason Schreiber
                                                25490 Piney Branch Lane
            Lauren Jenkins to Marissa Beach and                        410-479-5517     443-786-8805
                                                  Denton, MD 21629
            Jayden Olson, 306 N. Academy Street,
            Greensboro, $240,000.

                                               The Estate of Samuel L. Anthony to   John Kemp to TJL Properties, LLC, 210
            Deborah U. Kennard-Pack to Steven
                                               Lars Niklas Roes, 11760 Greensboro   West 2nd Street, Ridgely, $50,000.
            Xavier Parker, 314 Greenridge Road,
                                               Road, Greensboro, $350,000.
            Federalsburg, $192,000.                                              Tulicia Henry and Dallas Henry to Sara
                                               Tyler R. Parker and Lacey M. Parker   Axelrod Lissabet and Ernest Francis
            Sandra L. McIntyre to Samuel S. Lapp
                                               to Haley Reed, 14245 Cherry Lane,   Lissabet, 12051 Wayman Street, Ridge-
            and Linda B. Lapp, Camp Road, Den-
                                               Queen Anne, $345,000.             ly, $285,000.
            ton, $80,000.
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