Page 42 - March 2024 Issue.indd
P. 42

Endometriosis Awareness                         other chronic conditions. Endometriosis is like the beginning
                                                                to no end and we need to make sure there is education about
                           Month 2024                           this disease so that others do not face what so many of us have.

                                                                This past year I was diagnosed with Crohn’s Disease and it has

                 Endometriosis: A Disease That Never Ends
                                                                truly been a struggle at times because in some cases I felt like I
                                                                was starting all over again with the doctors, family, friends and
                       By Shannon Pinder Hannawald              coworkers. The last four years I have poured my heart and soul

                                                                into educating anyone that would listen about endometriosis
                      Endo Warriors of the Eastern Shore
                                                                with my advocacy and support group, Endo Warriors of the
                                                                Eastern Shore, yet this past year I feel as though I am right
                                                                back where I started.  I have finally found a gastroenterologist

            What is endometriosis? If you ask a doctor endometriosis is   that has been wonderful and I can see the light at the end of

            defined as a painful disorder in which tissue like the tissue that   the tunnel at least for this part of my endometriosis journey.
            normally lines the inside of your uterus — the endometrium   I have been to the emergency room every month for the past
            — grows outside your uterus. Endometriosis most commonly   seven months and have been admitted most of those times so
            involves your ovaries, fallopian tubes and the tissue lining   that we can treat the Crohn’s disease.  However, I had a doctor
            your pelvis. It has now been found on the lungs, brain and   during one of those visits that reminded me why I do what I
            other organs outside of the pelvic cavity.  However, if you ask   do and why it is so important to talk about important issues
            a woman who has been diagnosed with endometriosis, she   even though they are extremely personal and I’m sure uncom-
            will tell you endometriosis is a whole-body disease that aff ects   fortable for some to talk about. This doctor took me back to a

            every part of each woman in a different way.  Endometriosis   place that I haven’t been in a long time and honestly made me

            unfortunately has not yet been classified as an auto immune   want to give up on spreading awareness.

            disorder, however, the link between endometriosis and other
            auto immune disorders is believed to be a result of infl amma-  Th e first thing this doctor said to me when he walked in the

            tion, which may contribute to an abnormal immune response.  room was, “Endometriosis may be a little painful but it is
                                                                not an emergency and doesn’t need treatment in this kind of
            Multiple Sclerosis, Irritable Bowel Syndrome, Crohn’s Disease,
            and Rheumatoid Arthritis are just a few of the auto immune   setting.” Not a “Hello,” “How are you?”, nothing except that
            disorders linked to endometriosis.  Along with those most   endometriosis is not that painful. I sat there for a moment
            women are diagnosed with PCOS, Pelvic Congestion, Fibro-  looking at him in complete disbelief that he literally had no
            myalgia, certain cancers, Pelvic Floor Dysplasia and many   compassion and had absolutely no education about endome-
                                                                triosis. After I gathered my thoughts, I looked at him and said,

                                                                “Endometriosis is extremely painful and can need emergency
                                    Debbie's Avon               treatment but that’s not why I am here.” He basically laughed
                                  INDEPENDENT SALES REP FOR AVON  in my face and said he would run some blood work. As soon as
                                              443-786-8173      he walked out I immediately started crying, partially because I
                                                                was so angry that a doctor would treat someone like that and
              DEBBIESAVON@YAHOO.COM      WWW.YOURAVON.COM/DSHALABY  because it made me think why am I doing all of this advocacy
                                                                work? Does it even matter? The worst part is it took me back

                 I'm your local Avon representative.  If you would like to be
                                                                to a time in my life when I was severely depressed  because
                added to my mailing list for a brochure or if you would like
                                                                nobody would listen to or help me. The time in my life when

                 to place an order, just give me a call or send me an email.    I attempted suicide because I was so tired of fi ghting. Aft er
                     If you are looking for income or extra income,   a few days I remembered why I do this work and why it’s so

                          contact me I can help you out.        important to help other women. Thinking about my nieces
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