Page 41 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 41

until further studies are done. Instead of listening to politically   morphing into more contagious versions of itself this will go on
            motivated talking heads spewing their nays and yays about the   for years. Look at what is happening in Ohio right now with a

            virus and the vaccines, I decided to personally research the   more contagious version of this thing affecting our neighboring
            science and have a frank discussion with my doctor, whom I   state. We are not talking about the fact that 1 in 30 people have
            respect and trust, to make this decision. Here’s the skinny on   Covid in England today. We are talking about people less than
            what I have learned.                                a day’s drive away. How many deaths and resulting lifelong
                                                                health problems would have to happen for herd immunity to
            According to info from, “Viruses are genetic material
                                                                occur naturally? Scary concept, folks.

            with a protein coating. They can’t reproduce without a host cell

            to inject their genetic material into, so they enter our bodies   Enter the vaccine. The Moderna and Pfizer vaccines do not

            to gain control of cells to multiply. The body battles these   work the way traditional vaccines do. Previously developed
            invaders using our immune system by sending in T cells to   vaccines contained small amounts of viruses or bacteria that
            attack and kill infected cells. If the infection continues, B cells   are dead or greatly weakened. They trick the immune system

            are released to create antibodies to increase the attack on the   into believing that the body is being infected.

            infected cells. These antibodies stay in the body to fi ght future

                                                                The COVID vaccine is no different in that it creates antibodies,

            infection, creating immunity… When a person is infected with
                                                                but it uses a different set of tricks than traditional vaccines…

            a germ, whether a virus or bacteria, the immune system creates
                                                                This vaccine uses mRNA, which is a piece of genetic material

            special proteins, called antibodies, that help protect against
                                                                that cells use as “instructions” to create certain proteins in the
            future infections from that germ. The next time your immune

                                                                body. It is like a bit of computer code.
            system sees that germ, it “remembers” and uses the antibodies
            to fight against the infection. Some antibodies only last a few   The mRNA instructs these cells to create “spike proteins.” Th ese

            months, while others can protect you for a lifetime. Vaccines   proteins simulate part of the SARS-CoV-2 (novel coronavirus)
            create antibodies that allow your body to protect itself from   cell structure and trick the body into believing it’s infected with
            future infections without actually getting you sick. In other   the virus. In the case of the mRNA vaccines, your body is never
            words, vaccines mimic these antibodies.             exposed to the germ but is still able to produce an eff ective
                                                                immune response.
            The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention and the World

            Health Organization currently state that there is no evidence
            to suggest the novel coronavirus infection imparts immunity.
            Studies have been focused on hospitalized individuals with
            severe cases, not on those with mild symptoms or who are   Senior  Homecare by Angels

            asymptotic carriers. More research needs to be done.” Since   Bathing Assistance  •  Dressing Assistance  •  Grooming
            understanding the rate of immunity from having the virus   Assistance with Walking • Medication Reminders
            infection is largely unknown, one should assume that if you   Errands  •  Shopping  •  Light Housekeeping
            had it one time there is no guarantee you will not get it again.   Meal Preparation  •  Friendly Companionship
            Another unknown is whether it would be a lesser or more    Flexible Hourly Care  •  Respite Care for Families
            extreme rate of illness the second time around.
                                                                  The Most Recognized and Respected Name in Senior Home Care
            The words “Herd Immunity” have been thrown around a lot

            by politicians and talking heads this past year. Herd immunity   America’s Choice in Homecare
            occurs when most of the population is immune to a disease.
            According to the Center for Infectious Disease, at least 70%
            of the population would have to be immune to achieve Herd
            Immunity. Since there is no conclusive evidence that this virus
            creates immunity, waiting for that to happen naturally could be
            devastating and lead to an extraordinary number of deaths. If
            70% of the world population is needed to stop this virus from
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