Page 43 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 43

health department or your          vaccines. If you see their car get   to a non-VA Emergency Room, or is
               health care provider to get on the   the license plate and report it.  admitted to a non-VA Hospital, has 72
               list and make an appointment                                      hours to notify the VA to avoid being
                                                •   No one from a vaccine
               for the vaccinations.                                             billed for the event. Since we do not have
                                                  distribution site or health care
                                                                                 a VA hospital here on the Shore, veterans
              •   You cannot pay to get early     payer, like a private insurance
                                                                                 need to call 844-724-7842 to notify the
               access to the vaccine.             company, will call you asking
                                                                                 Veterans Administration of their non-VA
                                                  for your Medicare number,
              •    You cannot pay to put your name                               treatment to avoid being charged for
                                                  Social Security number, or your
               on a list to get the vaccine. If you                              services. Apparently, Veterans Urgent
                                                  credit card or bank account
               get a call, text, email claiming                                  Care visits require a white assistance
                                                  information to sign you up to
               they can get you early access                                     card with an all-important Eligibility
                                                  get the vaccine. Do not give
               to the vaccine... It’s a scam.                                    Number to be seen at Urgent Care. Vets
                                                  your insurance information
              •   Beware of advertisers off ering   out to anyone other than your   must go to an Urgent Care provider
               other products, treatments,        own health care provider, the   that is considered in-network. Network
               or medicines to prevent the        Caroline Health Department,    providers can be found by going to

               virus. Check with your trusted     or your trusted representative or by calling
               health care provider before        at the time of service.        844-698-2311 (follow prompts for
               paying for or receiving any                                       option 1 and then option 3 for Region
                                                •   Carefully review your Medicare
               COVID-19-related treatment.                                       1 here in Maryland). You can also get
                                                  Summary Notice (MSN) or        your Eligibility Number information
              •   You will not be solicited door to   Explanation of Benefi ts (EOB),   and a copy of the card.  To speak to a
               door to receive the vaccine. Slam   looking for billing errors or claims   live person if having diffi  culty verifying
               the door in the face of anyone     for the vaccine or products or   local network providers, or if you have a
               going door-to-door to off er        services that you did not receive.  shortage of meds that need to be picked
               free coronavirus or COVID-19                                      up at CVS in Easton, call 888-901-6609.
               testing, supplies, treatments, or   Reminder to our Veterans... As of
                                               September 2020, any veteran who goes   If vets do have billing issues, please call
                                                                                 866-393-0006 for assistance.

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