Page 42 - February 2021 Issue.indd
P. 42

Walgreens are offering the vaccine, so
                          e r
              Roses are red,                                                      call the Heath Department at 410-479-
                oses ar
              violets are blue,
              violets are blue,                                                   8000 to get it done!
              I got on the scale,                                                 My side effects were not much diff erent

              I got on the scale,
                                                                                  from the seasonal flu shot or the
              and thought
              and thought                                                         pneumonia shot I get every year. Th ey
                                                                                  included slight stiffness at the injection

                  Medically                                                       site for a few days, and some achiness
                  Supervised                                                      across the shoulders 24 hours later.
                  Affordable      ,,,it’ s time                                   My trusty heating pad remedied the

                   & Save             to call                                     shoulder ache, and I was fine the next
                                                                                  day.  This reaction is a result of my body’s

              • Multi-Vitamins          you!                                      immune system responding and since I
              • Diet Medication                                                   was ready for it, it was not a problem.
                                                                                  Minor discomfort vs. a deadly virus
              • Blood Analysis
                                                                                  works for me!
              • Blood Pressure Checked
              • Vitamin B-12 Injection                                            As of January 25, Marylanders who are
              • Nutritional Guidance                                              over 65, and certain essential workers,
              • Weigh in on body fat          CHESTER RIVER                       may get the vaccine. To opt-in to
                 composition scale                                                vaccination alerts, text ‘MdReady’ to
                                                                                  898-211 on your phone or visit https://
                                                                         Call the
                                               WEIGHT LOSS
                         410-778-9215               CENTER                        Health Department at 410-479-8000 to

                                                                                  schedule yours.
                1 mile south of Chester River r
                Bridge  - Chestertown, MD                                         Even after receiving the vaccine one
                www.crweightloss.comm                                             must continue to be a good citizen
                                                                                  and practice prevention measures to
                                                                                  keep you and those around you safe.
            When it’s not inside a cell, mRNA needs   you COVID-19. It has been produced in   Continue to wear a mask, Social
            protection to keep it from disintegrating.   an ethical manner and is safe for those   Distance, wash your hands, use hand
            This is why the vaccines require cold   with egg allergies.           sanitizer frequently, and avoid touching
            temperature storage. To keep the mRNA   I received the Moderna vaccine at the   your face to kill this beast.
            from disintegrating when it enters the   Health Department. They issue easy to

            body, the COVID-19 vaccines use fat   read paperwork explaining what is in the   Scammers use public health emergencies
            bubbles to shuttle the mRNA to certain   vaccine. It is like any other vaccination   as opportunities for new fraud schemes.

            cells.                                                                These snakes rapidly alter their tactics
                                               with a shot in the arm muscle, so I   and adapt their schemes to the crisis
            Because mRNA “instructs” cells to   used the old rub it in method to help   at hand.  Know that they will leverage
            perform certain actions, some people   distribute it throughout the muscle and   the COVID-19 vaccine to prey on
            have expressed concerns about the   avoid a knot at the injection site. Old   unsuspecting people. Be vigilant and

            vaccine affecting their DNA. This is not   habit!  Both the Moderna and the Pfi zer   protect yourself from potential fraud

            true. mRNA vaccines will never interact   are designed to provide immunity with   concerning COVID-19 vaccines and
            with the body’s DNA. In fact, once the   two doses of the same vaccine, so they   treatments. Self-protect and continue

            cell has finished using the mRNA, the   scheduled me then and there for the   to not answer calls from unknown
            cells break it down and eliminate it   date of my second shot 28 days later.   numbers. Many slimeballs are using
            from the body. The vaccines are not   The Department of Health database   the old “Update your Medicare number”
            made using egg proteins, so unlike some   will notify me when I need to schedule   scam to steal your information.
            forms of the flu vaccine, people who   the time for my final shot by email. For   Medicare and Social Security will never

            have an egg allergy can take the vaccine.   those without internet, at your request,   call you, and anyone you know will
            Additionally, human fetal cells are not   they will call you to set up the second   leave a message. Call Mary Moran at
            used during the vaccine development   appointment. Remember you must   410-490-3078 if you have any questions

            process. This makes the COVID vaccines   contact them to set up your fi rst shot.   or concerns about suspect mail or phone
            a suitable option for individuals who   The first appointment is up to you.   calls.
            object to this practice. (   The authorities will not be contacting

                                               you for this vaccination. As of today’s   •   No one from Medicare or the
            Bottom line is the vaccine does not   writing neither the Denton Walmart nor   Health Department will contact
            contain SARS-Cov-2 and cannot give                                       you. You need to contact the
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