Page 16 - May 2020 Web.indd
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join On-line Art Classes
us.... will be taught by our foundry artists!
Classes will be offered through the ZOOM platform. Check your email for a log-in
and join the class from home at the designated time.
“Native Milkweed Plant” Acrylic painting class for Beginners:
For ages 8 years and up, paint a serene painting of a native
Milkweed plant with Foundry artist Janice Knauss in the
comfort of your home. Supplies needed: 11x14 canvas board,
medium flat and tapered brushes, acrylic paints: brown, blue,
white, yellow and lime green.
Thursday, May 28 and June 4, 5:15-6:15 PM.
CCCA members/$25. Non-members/$30
JUST FOR KIDS: Mosaic Garden Stepping Stone Class:
Featured Artist You won’t want to miss this special online Mosaic Workshop
with Foundry artist Joanne Gelles! Learn basic mosaic tech-
Janice Knauss niques to make a cheerful garden stepping stone. Materials
can be purchased for $8 from Th e Foundry.
Acrylic, oils, watercolors
Current medium: Burlap and ink Wednesday, May 20, and 27, 5-6:30 PM
CCCA members/$25. Non-members/$30
I’ve been interested in drawing and An adult writers’ group that meets every 2nd and 4th Tues-
painting all of my life. I remember using day online using the Zoom platform. Come to write, share
pens and pencils on line-paper when I your writing or just listen. Free.
was very little. My favorite time in school
was spent in art class or on projects Tuesday, May 12, 6-8 PM: Topic tonight: Your choice
requiring crafts. Sketching was fun for
me and then I worked with oil paint and
watercolors and then acrylics. Register for classes and log-in directions at
My grandmother loved to make craft s
and was my greatest influence. She I live with my husband and two chil- My favorite time away from my artwork
taught me sewing, crochet and embroi- dren in Goldsboro. While my kids are is spent with my husband and two chil-
dery. I watched her make big flower at school I paint and sometimes I visit dren. We take day trips to visit family
arrangements and give them away as their school as a volunteer and help the and we go to parks and museums
gift s. art teacher display students’ artwork.
Second Saturday at the Artsway
My father wanted me to have a good My work usually involves the outdoors. Tentatively scheduled for
business education and so I received Whether my subjects are fi sh, fl owers Saturday, June 13
my bachelor’s degree in business at or animals, I like to bring the viewer
Wesley College in Dover, Delaware. I outdoors. I grew up and still live in a Join us for the Open Air Market Block
took all the art classes I could within the rural area of Goldsboro and most of Party! Free crafts for kids, vendors, food
curriculum and the required marketing what I paint or sketch is what I have trucks, a plein air contest Enjoy free
courses improved my outlook on the seen for myself. performances by:
benefits of selling my artwork one day. • Breath of Fresh Air
I have artwork hanging at the Foundry
I furthered my education with graphic
which makes me very proud and I • School musical and theatre
design and journalism courses at Dela-
started an Etsy Shop with the hope of groups
ware Technical Community College and
selling my artwork online. I also have
then worked for six years as a graphic • Sammati Dance Troupe
artwork on the Foundry’s Etsy shop.
designer for local newspapers.