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someone to make sure they take their
                             CASA              baths and brush their teeth. Th ey need
                                               someone to love them and doesn’t abuse
                          Court Appointed
                                               or hurt them.  In foster care, children are
                          Special Advocate
                                               provided with a safe, nurturing, loving
                                               family for a temporary period of time.
                                               It is intended as a support to families,               Court Appointed Special Advocate
            May is National Foster Care Month!                                                        CASA OF CAROLINE, INC.
                                                                                                        FOR CHILDREN
                                               not a substitute for parents.  It is not a
            CASA of Caroline is working to promote
                                               lifetime commitment to a child, but a   care on our Facebook page along with a
            awareness and appreciation for the many
                                               commitment to be meaningful in the   donation button.  Donations made on
            foster families in our community.  Foster
                                               child’s lifetime.                 that day will be used to recruit and train
            care is a protective service for children
                                                                                 our CASA (Court Appointed Special
            and their families when families can   In celebration of National Foster Care
            no longer meet the child’s basic daily   Month, CASA of Caroline will be “plant-  Advocate) volunteers who give chil-
            needs.  There is a saying that it takes   ing” light blue ribbons in the Denton   dren in the Caroline County foster care
            a village to raise a child, meaning the   Community Garden.   Our goal is to   system a voice in court.  We are also
            entire community must interact with   raise awareness about the needs of   encouraging everyone to wear light blue
            children for those children to experience   foster care providers and the children   on May 5th  to show their support for
            and grow in a safe and healthy environ-  they serve as well as encourage our   foster youth everywhere.  To find out
            ment.  This is especially true for children   community to get involved – as foster   more about National Foster Care Day

            and families who are part of the Caroline   or adoptive parents, CASA’s, mentors or   and Month or about CASA of Caro-
            County foster care system.         anything else to contribute to the safety   line, please call 410-479-8301, visit our
                                                                                 website at or fi nd
                                               and well-being of Caroline County’s
            There are many reasons that make it                                  and like us on Facebook.
                                               children.  It’s time to recognize we all

            difficult for families to meet their chil-

                                               play a role in enhancing the lives of chil-  The Governor's Office of Crime Control & Preven-

            dren’s needs such as poverty, substance                              tion funded this project under sub-award number
                                               dren and youth; especially those in foster
            abuse, mental illness, loss of a job or lack                         CJAC-2019-0004 and VOCA-2018-0063. All points
                                               care.  Throughout the month, we will
            of support from extended family and                                  of view in this document are those of the author
                                               be sharing real-life foster care stories   and do not necessarily represent the offi  cial posi-
            community.  The current pandemic has

                                               spotlighting some of our local heroes on   tion of any State or Federal Agency. This project is

            put even greater stress on families who                              supported by a grant from the Maryland Judiciary's
                                               our Facebook page and website.  We will
            are already struggling.  Our foster care                             Administrative Office of the Courts number AOC-

                                               also be highlighting some of the ways
            system was created so parents can know                               G20CA0225I.
                                               Caroline County residents can make a
            their children are safe until the parents

                                               difference in a foster child’s life such as
            are once again able to provide for their
                                               becoming a CASA or participating in
            child’s needs.
                                               Caroline’s Mentoring Project through
            Every child deserves a loving home.   the Caroline County Family YMCA. It   Magic Mirror

            They need a place to live, a place to sleep,   truly does take a village, or a county!   Beauty Shoppe
            clothes to wear, healthy food to eat, a
            good education – and even toys to play   On May 5, in conjunction with National   Women, Men, Children

            with!  They need someone who can take   Foster Care Day and Giving Tuesday
            them to school, the dentist, the doctor;   Now, CASA of Caroline will be posting
                                               resources and information about foster
                                                                                               CUTS  •  PERMS
                                                                                               CU TS  P ER MS
                           Board of Education District 2                                    HI-LITES  •  WAXING
               VOTE      RICK BARTON                                                          410-479-0735
                 FOR                                                                           Hours: Wed. 9-5;
                                                                                                Thurs. 9:30-9;
                         E XPERIE N                                                             Fri. 9-5; Sat. 8-1
                         EXPERIENCED EXECUTIVE LEADER
                                                                                             370 Deep Shore Rd.,
                                                                                                Denton, MD
                                                                                     Whether your Mom has gone
                                                                                    on, or hopefully she’s still here,
                                                                                   remember her with this kind wish
                                             Election June 2, 2020                    “Happy Mother’s Day”
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