Page 20 - May 2020 Web.indd
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Caroline County Public Library
              Library Corner                                                      

                                     by Jeanne Trice

            What’s New at the Library?         for school and home, with a focus on   in this community effort to supply
                                               all things digital to keep you connected.  Personal Protective Equipment (PPE)
              Your library is still open - online!                               to healthcare workers. We have shared
                                                   Storytime every weekday!
            Our doors are closed, but our hearts are                             the shields nationally through the Open
            open! Social distancing means that we   We know you miss seeing Ms. Amanda   Works project in Baltimore, and by
            are now working hard to make many of   and Ms. Mina, and that you might be   providing 176 face shields (so far!) to
            our in-person services available online.   finding it challenging to fill endless   the Caroline Emergency Operations
            If you haven’t tried the library’s digital   days at home with activities for the little   Center for distribution to local nursing
            resources, now is the time! Follow us   ones. But guess what?  Ms. Amanda and   homes and others in need.
            on Facebook to get all the updates and   Ms. Mina  are still bringing Storytime   If you are looking for a way to help
            information you need to visit your   to Facebook each weekday morning   out during the Covid-19 crisis, please
            library virtually. We miss seeing you   around 11 AM for fingerplays, songs,   consider donating to assist with the
            and look forward to the day we reopen   and of course, lots of great books!    purchase of materials for these and other
            our doors and welcome you back into      Just the facts, please      planned 3D printed items!
            our buildings.                     Get trusted, reliable information   Visit our Friends of the Library page

            Until then, if you have a question or   about Covid-19 at the County’s and click
            need information, just email us at info@  Emergency Operations Center website,   “Donate/Join” at the top of the page. Be
  , send us a Facebook message, or just access it   sure to check the “write us a comment”
            or call the Central Library number   from the library’s home page while you   box and enter “3D” so we can be sure
            410-479-1343, Ext. 106 from 1-5 PM,   are there.                     your donation goes towards this
            Monday through Friday. You may get a   Makerspace hard at work                       project. Donations may also be mailed
            message that the library is closed. Listen   making PPE              to Caroline County Public Library,
            past it and dial extension 106.  If no one                           100 Market Street, Denton, MD 21629,
            answers, please leave a message and we   Our MakerSpace team has not stopped   ATTN: 3D. We are so grateful for the
            will call you back.                working-they have just moved the 3D   community support and enthusiasm we
                                               printers home and have been hard
                 We have a new website!                                          have received for this project!
                                               at work printing out protective face
            Check out our new, easier-to-use website   shields for first responders and front-  Parents, do you need some help

            at It features easy   line medical professionals! We are     with homework?
            access to the resources you need now   joining makers throughout Maryland   Here are some places to turn on our
                                                                                 website to help you with the kids’ school

                                                                                   •  Some fun (and possibly just a bit
                                                                                      educational) videos for the K-3
                                                                                      set: Bookfl ix
                                                                                   •  Live tutoring for when you
                                                                                      just can’t help with that middle
                                                                                      school math: HelpNow!
                                                                                   •  Help for soon-to-be high school
                                                                                      graduates with college planning,
                                                                                      practice tests, and online book:
                                                                                      Testing and Education Resource
                                                                                   •  And there is so much more on
                                                                                      our new website! Check it out!

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