Page 24 - May 2020 Web.indd
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One such example is our Small Business of choice. The winner will be posted on
Academy. Led by H. G. Wilson, Talent our social media page @carcochamber.
Acquisition/ Corporate Trainer for
The Chamber was so excited to bring
Preston Automotive Group our
you our first ever Amateur Dog Show.
members were taught that when making
Set for May 30th with a Coronavirus
that sales presentation, just R.E.L.A.X.
date of June 20th we were sure we would
Your Chamber Th e five steps to a successful sale. What be able to host it. Unfortunately, with
a great presentation! We are so grateful
at Work for the support and partnership we have the State of Emergency in place, we are
cancelling the event for 2020. We do
with the Preston Automotive Group!
by Tracey Snyder, Executive Director plan to host it next May 22, 2021.
We also hosted our annual Legislative
Caroline County Chamber We would like to thank the Town of
Wrap Up - Meet Up on April 13. The
of Commerce Greensboro for offering Ober Park
format was a bit different but our guest to host the event and all the vendors
list was tremendous!
Hello Caroline County Chamber that agreed to participate. Please mark
members and friends! We hope this Thank you Senators Hershey and your calendars for October 17th.
issue finds you safe and well. Eckardt, Delegates Ghrist, Jacobs and Mactoberfest is set to take place at the
Mautz, Secretary of Agriculture Joe 4-H Park in Denton from Noon-5 PM.
Like most of you, we are learning to Bartenfelder and Regional Director We hope you will join us then.
maneuver from home and continue to Eastern Region Maryland SBDC John
serve our community. In that quest, we N. Hickman for your support. Please check our website for complete
were able to hold a few of our events details of upcoming events using
via ZOOM. Each distinguished guest shared insights
on what they felt was pertinent to them.
Stay well, safe and Carolinestrong!
For example, the Senators and Delegates
shared their thoughts on the recent
legislative session, the “New Normal”
We are looking forward to Scholarship
and restoration. Secretary Bartenfelder
seeing our wonderful customers Opportunity
shared information concerning the
soon. Our prayers are with all of
agricultural industry and Mr. Hickman Caroline Soil Conservation District is
you during this trying time. Stay shared insights concerning help for offering a $1,000 scholarship to Caro-
well. Please feel free to contact small businesses followed by questions line County High School Seniors who
us at the numbers below. and answers. will be continuing his/her education
in the agricultural field. Deadline is
We hosted a We Are Here For You -
May 1, 2020. Please contact Caro-
Perfect Touch Show Us Your Mask Raffle. To enter, all line SCD at 410-479-1202 x3 for more
you had to do was share a picture of you
Hair Design wearing your mask. All who participated information and scholarship applica-
tion. Applications can also be found
were entered into the raffle to win a $50
on the Caroline Soil Conservation
gift certificate to a Chamber business District Facebook page.
1143 Shore Hwy. Denton
410-479-2833 Dave’s David Grinavic,
ASE Master Technician
Ann Draper 410-829-5107 Riverside 32600 Main St.
Lisa Young (Murray) 410-924-8095 Queen Anne, MD 21657
Over 30 years
O ver 30 y ear s Garage, Inc. 410-364-9336
combined experience
combined experience
• Computerized Engine Diagnostics Oil & Filter Change
Ap po intments A pp
Appointments Appreciatedreciated
• Performance Tune-Ups up to 5 quarts of oil (most cars)
Walk-Ins Welcome • Front End Alignments
Walk-Ins Welcome
9 a.m. - 7
- F
Tuesday - Friday 9 a.m. - 7 p.m.. • Brakes • Shocks • Electrical Repairs $ 25 95
• Battery Replacements • Mufflers + tax
Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon • Tires (Rotate and Balance)
Wed., Closed; Saturday 9-noon
• A/C Service • Exhaust Systems MD State
• Lock-Out & Jump-Start Service Inspections 60
• And more!!!