Page 25 - May 2020 Web.indd
P. 25


            DONNA DIGIACOMO (District 1) and PAUL SCHOONOVER (District 2)

                                For Board of Education in Caroline County

            Welcome back to the second installment   finally, North Caroline High School,   Parks in the ‘90s and has been a fixture at
            of Educators for Education. First and   from which he graduated in 1997.   Summerfest every year since. He believes
            foremost, we hope everyone is safe   He was accepted to Embry Riddle   that Caroline County and its residents
            and healthy. For everyone who is   Aeronautical University in Daytona   are his family and he always gives back
            able to comply with the stay at home   Beach, FL where he graduated in 2002   however he can. Paul was a board
            order, thank you! We understand how   with a BS in Aerospace Engineering.   member for the Caroline County Arts
            boring and frustrating this is, but it is so   After college, Paul returned to Caroline   Council. His love of theater led him to be

            important in keeping Caroline County   County and worked in Easton at BAI   one of the driving forces and founders of

            citizens safe while helping to “flatt en   Aerosystems building Unmanned   the Caroline Association of Th eatre. He

            the curve.” For those of you who are   Aerial Vehicles. After working for   is currently working with On Your Mark
            essential employees, THANK YOU! You   multiple years in engineering, Paul   Lighting and Design, a small business
            are the front line in the fight against this   decided that he needed a change. At   based in Caroline County. All of these

            insidious virus. Through your selfless   the time, he was volunteering at NCHS   experiences have given Paul the ability
            actions, you are keeping all of us fed, safe,   by working with their Drama Club.   to not only look at the big picture, but
            and healthy. Every day you go to work,   This led him to the realization that he   to see and understand all of the details

            you put your own health and safety on   wanted to be a teacher! He went back   required to be a successful and eff ective
            the line, not only for your friends and   to college and received his teaching   Board of Education member.

            loved ones, but for every single citizen   certification through the Chesapeake

            of Caroline County, Maryland, and our   College Regional Teaching Certification   As you can see, Paul cares about our

            country itself.                   program. Upon certification, Paul taught   community and looks forward to
                                                                                 expanding his role by becoming a
                                              Technology Education classes at Easton

            Thank you may seem trite, but please   High School for one year. He was then   Caroline County Board of Education
            know that it isn’t. We truly appreciate                              Member. Not only do Paul and Donna
                                              hired by Caroline County Public Schools
            everything everyone is doing. Please   to teach at NCHS where he taught   have invaluable experience as teachers
            know that all of you are in our thoughts   Technology Education, Applied Physics,   and employees of Caroline County
            and prayers.                                                         Public Schools, they have a plethora of
                                              Geometry, Algebra 1, Pre-algebra,
            Our original campaign plan involved   Algebra 2, Discrete Math, Financial   real life experiences and leadership roles.

            getting out in the community to meet   Literacy, Theatre 1 and Th eatre 2.   Paul’s life in Caroline County and his
            people and to let people meet us; get to   He also continued to be a part of   love of education will bring stability and
            know who we are. While we are holding   the NCHS Drama Club, working   a historical perspective to his position on
            out hope that may still be possible in   as a technical advisor under Keith   the Board of Education. Donna’s military
            a few months, we would like to use                                   experience, world travel, love of learning,

                                              Shaffer, eventually becoming the club
            the next two installments to tell you a   advisor and technical director. Aft er 14   and community service will bring fresh
            little bit about ourselves. We will focus   rewarding years as a teacher, Paul moved   ideas and a no-nonsense approach to the

            on Paul this month and Donna next   back into the “civilian” sector by opening   Board of Education. Above all, Donna
            month. While reading this, please keep   his own business here in Caroline   and Paul believe in common sense,
            in mind that we are not politicians; we                              working together, transparency, open
                                              County. He rents equipment and sets
            are ordinary citizens who care about our   up venues for special events, works as a   communication and DOING WHAT IS
            children and who want to keep Caroline   handyman, and creates unique arts and   BEST FOR OUR STUDENTS!
            County a community that people are   crafts with his wife. While Paul no longer

            proud to live in with schools that value   works for the school system, his heart is   If you have any questions, please
            education over testing.                                              feel free to contact Donna at
                                              still in education, which led him to run and Paul
            Paul Schoonover was born and      for the Board of Education position in   at In
            educated here in Caroline County.   District 2.                      the meantime, stay tuned for the next
            His education began in preschool at   Paul has always been an active citizen   installment of Educators for Education
            St. Paul’s United Methodist Church.                                  which will feature Donna’s story and
                                              of Caroline County. He started working
            From there he att ended Greensboro   with Sue Simmons at Recreation and   route to becoming a Board of Education
            Elementary, Lockerman Middle, and                                    member!
                We need YOU to             Vote for Educators with Experience, Knowledge, and Leadership.
              vote in the primary
                                    “Stay safe and healthy. Remember, we care about you and we are here for you.”
                 on June 2nd.
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