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2. Become An EX and the EX
DOT/CDL Program – online-based cessation
available 24/7; offers lots of
MEDICAL EXAMS community support. https://www.
Complying with New 3. Truth Initiative – web-based non-
profit with the goal of creating the fi rst
Government Requirements
tobacco-free generation; off ers plenty
of resources to help parents talk to
FMCSA Certified Physician
their kids.
C.E. Jensen, MD
Service Competitive 4. Protect Kids: Fight Flavored E.
Price 410-924-8560 Cigs – web based resources for parents
visit http://fi ghtfl
Evenings and Saturdays by appointment resources-for-parents.
activated, the liquid or e-juice inside journaling, and maybe even meditation Resources:
is heated by the battery to the point or deep breathing to help cope with
of aerosolization, then the chemical stress. quitting-smoking-vaping/covid-19-
particles inside that aerosol are inhaled connection
For many, money is really tight right
through the mouthpiece by the person
now. Kicking the habit or even cutting
using the device.
back will save money that can be covid19
Emerging research suggests that used for essentials like food, rent or
exposure to aerosols from e-cigarette mortgage, and phone/internet services. Why Are Childhood Vaccines
and vaping products harms the cells So Important?
Maybe you have kids at home right now
inside the lungs and decreases the
and are trying to tackle online learning?
ability to respond to infection. Submitted By : La’Tara Brooks
This could be a prime opportunity to
Caroline County Health Department
As we work through the muddy waters engage them in your quit plan and/
of the COVID-19 pandemic, we all or educate them on saying no to all
want to continue to do things for tobacco products. Talking to kids about It is always better to prevent a disease
prevention including frequent hand prevention is encouraged as young than to treat it after it occurs.
washing and social distancing but we as elementary school age. You will be Diseases that used to be common in
also need to do everything we can to surprised of what third graders already this country and around the world,
keep our lungs healthy. know. including polio, measles, diphtheria,
According to the American Lung It is possible you will learn that they pertussis (whooping cough), rubella
Association, “Quitting smoking and have already experimented with some (German measles), mumps, tetanus,
vaping can better equip your body to of the newer products. If that happens, rotavirus and Haemophilus infl uenzae
fi ght off this disease and reduce the this is a prime time to discuss their type b (Hib) can now be prevented by
chance of the most severe symptoms.” growth, development, goals and how vaccination. Thanks to a vaccine, one
becoming addicted to tobacco could of the most terrible diseases in history,
It is more important now than ever, smallpox, no longer exists outside the
really affect their life.
for everyone to stop using tobacco laboratory. Over the years vaccines
products, including e-cigarettes and The other good news is you are not have prevented countless cases of
vaping products to protect their health. alone. If you are helping a child to quit disease and saved millions of lives.
Overcoming nicotine addiction is hard, or learn to say no or you are trying
even under normal circumstances and to quit yourself, there are many free Immunity Protects us From Disease
it may feel impossible now. In a time of resources available to help. Here are a Immunity is the body’s way of
uncertainty and stress, it is still possible few places you may want to look into: preventing disease. Children are born
to quit. with an immune system composed of
1. Maryland Quitline – Phone and cells, glands, organs, and fl uids located
For some, this may actually be a good online-based cessation counseling throughout the body. Th e immune
time to try to quit – we are all already available 24/7. Nicotine replacement system recognizes germs that enter
adopting new routines, which is products like patches and gum may the body as “foreign invaders” (called
traditionally a big part of any quit plan. be available through the mail at no antigens) and produces proteins called
Challenge yourself to leave smoking/ cost. Call 1-800-QUIT-NOW or antibodies to fi ght them.
vaping out of your new routine. Th is
is a good time to add in self-refl ection,