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Th e first time a child is infected with a   disease. However, they are strong   now prevent, such as whooping

            specific antigen (say measles virus), the   enough to make the immune system   cough, measles, and polio. Th ose
            immune system produces antibodies   produce antibodies that lead to       same germs exist today, but

            designed to fight it. This takes time . . .   immunity. In other words, a vaccine   because babies are protected

            usually the immune system can’t work   is a safer substitute for a child’s fi rst   by vaccines, we don’t see these

            fast enough to prevent the antigen   exposure to a disease. The child gets   diseases nearly as oft en.
            from causing disease, so the child still   protection without having to get sick.
                                                                                   •  Immunizing individual children
            gets sick. However, the immune system   Through vaccination, children can

                                                                                      also helps to protect the health
            “remembers” that antigen. If it ever   develop immunity without suff ering
                                                                                      of our community, especially
            enters the body again, even aft er many   from the actual diseases that vaccines
                                                                                      those people who cannot be
            years, the immune system can produce   prevent.
                                                                                      immunized such as children who
            antibodies fast enough to keep it from
                                               More Facts                             are too young to be vaccinated,
            causing disease a second time. Th is                                      those who can’t receive certain
            protection is called immunity.      •  Newborn babies are immune to       vaccines for medical reasons, and
                                                   many diseases because they have
            It would be nice if there were a way to                                   the small proportion of people
                                                   antibodies they got from their
            give children immunity to a disease                                       who don’t respond to a particular
                                                   mothers. However, this immunity
            without their having to get sick fi rst.                                   vaccine.
                                                   goes away during the fi rst year
            Facts:                                 of life.                        • Vaccine-preventable diseases
            Vaccines contain the same antigens, or   •  If an unvaccinated child is   have a costly impact, resulting in
            parts of antigens, that cause diseases.   exposed to a disease germ, the   doctor’s visits, hospitalizations,
            For example, measles vaccine contains   child’s body may not be strong    and premature deaths. Sick
            measles virus. But the antigens in     enough to fight the disease.        children can also cause parents

            vaccines are either killed, or weakened   Before vaccines, many children   to lose time from work.
            to the point that they don’t cause     died from diseases that vaccines   Information provided by: Th e CDC
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