Page 32 - May 2020 Web.indd
P. 32

Local Volunteer
              Organization Helps

               Those Aff ected by

            The Maryland Association of Social
            Services Boards (MASSB) Foundation
            is comprised entirely of volunteers who
            serve on local boards in all 23 counties in
            the State of Maryland.  For those of you
            who are not familiar with the Caroline
            County Department of Social Services’                       Please Join Us the First and Third Sundays
            (CCDSS) Advisory Board, our mission is                      of every Month for Worship & Fellowship
            to provide assistance to support families                        Quality Inn, Easton at 9:30 a.m.
            in financial crisis that do not meet
            federal and/or state program eligibility                            For more information:
            but need assistance.
                                                                                 or call 443-385-0702
            Under the auspices of the Maryland
            Association of the Social Services Boards
            (MASSB), an established 501 (c) 3, the
            Caroline County Department of Social
                                               neighbors. Please make your checks
            Services’ Board of Directors oversees
                                               payable to MASSB Foundation, and mail
            the Community Assistance Fund,
                                               them to:
            which responds to unmet needs that                                          Community
            are fundamental to the safety, health, and
                                               Juanita A. Webster, Board Chair            Calendar
            well-being of Caroline County’s children
                                               Caroline County Department
            and adults.
                                               of Social Services
            Since its inception in 2012, Caroline’s   207 S. 3rd Street            The Community Calendar
                                               Post Offi  ce Box 400                 will return next month as
            Community Assistance Fund has
                                               Denton, MD 21629
            assisted 86 families with rent or utilities                            we look forward to our
            shortages, allowing them to remain in   Donations can also be received via credit   community returning to
            their homes. As a result of the recent   card at     “normal”.
            global pandemic, we are expecting the   Please add a note as to which county
            number of families needing assistance   your donation should be applied.  All   If you are looking for the
            in Caroline County to rise exponentially.  donations are 100% tax deductible.   ongoing listings that usually
                                               MASSB is an all-volunteer organization
            Additionally, the Fund provides support   so you will have the comfort of knowing   appear here, please visit
            in the form of medical supplies and   that your funds will go directly to those   our website and go to the
            emergency repairs for the elderly, which   in need.                    Community Events section.
            allows them to remain in their homes.  As
            you may be aware, many of the COVID-  Thank you for your kindness and your   If the Maryland “Stay at

            19 outbreaks occurred in nursing homes   support.                      Home” order is lifted and you
            and rehabilitation centers.  Any help we                               have an  event you would
            can provide to the elderly to keep them   Chris Cummings, Chair MASSB
            in their homes will allow them to avoid   Foundation and Juanita A. Webster,   like included on the online
            the dangers associated with communal   Caroline County DSS Board Chair   Community Events page,
            living.                                                                please send  the information
                                                                                   to carolinereview@gmail.
            We would like to thank you for the
            generous support you’ve provided                                       com.
            in the past and encourage you to                            
            donate whatever you can aff ord to our
            organization to help our less-fortunate

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