Page 37 - May 2020 Web.indd
P. 37

Denton Rotary Schedules                        time Well Drilling in Africa, academic
                                                                                 scholarships, and a yearly career fair for
                                 Expanded Flags for Heroes                       local tenth graders, among other major
                                           Observances                           projects. The names of sponsors are
                                                                                 published in local media to thank those
                                                                                 who participated in the Flags for Heroes
            The annual Flags for Heroes display   Sponsorship of the Flags for Heroes   campaign.
            presented by the Denton Rotary will   celebration benefits the Rotary Club

            feature an added twist this year. Typi-  Community Fund, which reinvests   The Denton Rotary hopes that members
            cally, American flags dedicated to the   the entirety of the proceeds into area   of the community will take time to visit

            memory, service, or commitment of   philanthropic causes. Th e organization   and reflect upon the flags while on
            friends and loved ones have been erected   helps financially support a variety of   display this year.
            by the club at the intersection of Route   regional efforts, including the Imagi-
            404 and River Road (the Wright Farm)   nation Library, Scout Troop 165, Life-
            near West Denton as well as on the
            courthouse green in downtown Denton
            for two weeks each coinciding with both
            Memorial Day and Veterans Day. Plans
            have changed in 2020, however, as a
            result of the COVID-19 pandemic. Th e
            flag display will now honor heroes on

            three separate occasions.
            While the Rotary is optimistic that
            Coronavirus restrictions will be lift ed
            prior to Memorial Day weekend, no
            guarantees can be made about the acces-

            sibility of this first display. Nonetheless,
            the club is committed to following social
            distancing protocol in order to place
            the flags at the traditional Market Street

            location in late May as members feel
            doing so would provide a morale boost
            to local citizens as well as salute essen-
            tial area workers even if the tribute can              Ray’s Electric Service
            ostensibly be viewed by most through
            pictures at that time.
                                                                        Family owned and operated since 1965
            Hopefully, the COVID-19 quarantines
            will be a memory by July. It is the plan of            • Wiring
            the club to do its conventional sponsored              • Heating           410-479-1864
            displays surrounding the Independence
            Day holiday at both locations, which is                • Air Conditioning
            new, and then return to the regularly
            scheduled Veterans Day timetable. If                       24355 Shore Highway, Denton
            you are interested in commemorating

            the selfless actions of a veteran, some-
            one currently in military service, an   Ed’s Lawn & Handyman Service
            indefatigable volunteer, a fi rst responder,
            or other impactful person in your life,
                                                • Lawn Mowing       • Tractor Work      • Construction  Cleanup
            please contact Ann Jacobs (443-496-
                                                • Mulching          • Bush-Hogging      • Post Construction Cleanup
            1755; to regis-
            ter. Sponsorships are $25 per flag per   • Landscaping  • Power Washing
            two-week observance and for $10 more   • Snow Removal   • Odd Jobs                  FREE
            will feature a placard to describe the   • Tree Trimming  • Land Management     ESTIMATES
            contributions of the honoree.       • Debris Cleanup
                                                                     410-924-0401  –  410-673-1131

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