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TURNING 65? x 33 = $19.14. That penalty is assessed
every month for the rest of your life…
Confused about all the Medicare Terms & Options?
The plan collects both premium and
Let Me Help You!
penalty from your Social Security check
or bills you directly, then sends the
penalty along to Medicare. For those that
Anthony Insurance Services participate in the Maryland State Senior
Prescription Drug Assistance program
Ann M. Anthony and have their monthly “D” premium
paid, they will have to pay the penalty
separately to the plan. That program
Specializing in Medicare Supplemental Plans, only pays the premium and does not
Medicare Advantage Plans, Medicare Part-D Plans, pay the penalty. No doubt about it …
Dental and Vision, Long Term Care, and Life Insurance Medicare is complicated!
Call Ann Today for an Appointment 410-708-0899 • And that is why your Caroline County
22850 Fleming Road, Denton, MD 21629
SHIP/ MAP is here for you! Call me with
Medicare questions or any other issues
are covered anywhere in the country, so choice when you sign up for Medicare.
that require professional assistance at
once we break free of quarantine and are This “option” is true if you have
out and about again, your travel area comparable drug coverage from another
within the USA is covered! source, such as employer coverage Now that your head is spinning treat
through you, your spouse, or other yourself to a sit on the porch or take a
Due to being for profit entities,
creditable private sources. Creditable walk in this beautiful Caroline Spring
Advantage plans can move in and out
means coverage that is expected to pay weather! Let’s take a moment to be
of an area or choose to only continue
at least as much as Medicare’s standard grateful for what we have and unplug
to serve a select group of benefi ciaries.
prescription drug coverage. Please note for a moment!
For instance, unless one has a gross
that if you sign up for Medicare D you
income of less than $1,061 per month May the Lord grant you good health and
may lose your employer health coverage
per individual, or $1,430 per couple, keep you safe!
since it is an either/or situation. (www.
and is actively participating in the
Medicaid QMB program, Advantage is
not available for Caroline and mid shore The opportunity to stay with an Medical Adult
residents. employer plan is why the “choose to Day Care
sign up” phrase is in the law. Without
Advant age normally bund les
prescription drug coverage (with typical employer or former retirement drug by Carole Friend LMSW
drug co-pays) together with Hospital coverage in place, you must sign up
and Medical in its plan. The 20%, etc., for a prescription drug plan (part “D”) Staying Safe – Staying Connected
normally billed separately in Original within 63 days of Medicare eligibility. Through these times of uncertainty,
Medicare is paid by the benefi ciary as Since the “choose to sign up” language Caroline Medical Adult Day Care
co-pays for all services, with a large is ambiguous, some people who do not would like to express our gratitude to
out of pocket limit on out of pocket take prescription medications or who all frontline workers and support service
payments due from the benefi ciary. want to avoid paying the “D” monthly staff members. Thank you to all for your
premium “opt out” of this coverage.
If you qualify for this program and feel Big mistake, folks! There is a lifetime effortful unwavering diligence as you
it will meet your needs, contact me penalty assessed for late enrollees in demonstrate dedication and courage
for assistance in applying for QMB, “D”. Medicare Law states that the 2020 during these uncharted challenges.
which pays all premiums, co-pays, base penalty is 33 cents for every month Th ank you.
coinsurances, and Medicare deductibles. one does not have coverage. Th erefore, For those who have experienced
QMB assistance works for both Original if you have had Medicare since turning suffering and loss, we only fall short
Medicare and Advantage, so call 65 but “opted out” of “D” until age 70, of words to express the sadness. In
410-490-3078 for details! you will pay $19.14 per month penalty these difficult times we can only off er
in addition to the prescription drug our heartfelt condolences. One thing
Finally, let’s take a look at “D”. Medicare
language regarding prescription drug plan’s premium that you finally sign up is certain, we have all been changed...
coverage leads beneficiaries to believe for! The penalty math is 65 to age 70 = things have certainly changed.
that this important coverage is your 60 months – two months grace period With that being said, we would like to
following 65th birthday. So, 58 months
offer an outlet; tell us about your losses.