Page 20 - December 2021 Issue.indd
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She is currently working on a new upcoming topic will be. Or feel free to
project she calls, “eARTh Art”. It’s her share something completely diff erent.
vision of environmental awareness that This event is free! Pre-registration is
surrounds us all. You can fi nd much of required by 3 pm on Tuesday to get the
her work in the Foundry Gallery. Each Zoom link. Register at
piece is truly unique and one of a kind. classes-events
DIY Holiday Ornament w/ CRAFT
Bakery. Friday, Dec. 3 at Craft Bakery &
Café (Denton), 5-7 pm. The best smell in
The Foundry December? Warm gingerbread cookies
fresh out of the oven, of course! Join
featuring artists in Caroline County
us to make that smell last all month
401 Market Street, Denton long with your very own hand painted
Open Wednesday – Friday Noon-5 gingerbread ornament! Bring the kids
Saturday 10-3 for their choice of one of the three festive
shapes to decorate, plus some hot cocoa or warm local cider, and a fresh cookie.
Featured Artist Hang the ornament on your tree or give
it as a gift to a loved one to keep their
Lynn Cegelski space smelling merry & bright all month
long. $10 per person. Limit 25. Register
Artist of the Month – online at
December 2021
DIY Holiday Ornament (Town Hall
in Preston), Saturday, Dec. 11, 4-6
pm. Make your own ornament with
gingerbread cookies baked fresh by
Craft Bakery. Choose one of three festive
shapes to decorate, plus enjoy hot cocoa
or warm apple cider. Your home will be
Classes and Events smelling merry & bright all month long!
This CCCA-sponsored activity is free
for anyone 16 and under. $10 for adults.
Beginners Art Classes. Ever y Limit 50.
Wednesday at The Foundry, 5 – 6 PM. Join
us at the Foundry for fun and exciting CCCA Holiday Mixer. December 16
kid’s art classes! Every Wednesday kids at The Foundry 5-7 pm. CCCA Staff
will be able to participate in a new and and Board of Directors meet & greet.
fun art activity! There will be classes on Live music! Live painting! Drinks and
watercolors, paint pouring techniques, culinary delights. And of course…last
working with clay, wreath making, minute holiday shopping!
ornaments, and more! Classes will be
For more information and to register
Photo by Tom McCall for APG Media taught by different local instructors
for classes: go online to carolinearts.
including Janice Knauss, Melody Prairie,
Lynn Cegelski was born an artist. org, call 410-479-1009, or email info@
This Maryland native is self-taught Lynn Cegelski, and Joanne Gelles. Be sure to sign up for
and happiest when creating works of Classes are $15 per person. Register for the CCCA e-newsletter on our website
art. Lynn has explored many diff erent any three classes and get any 4th free! or ‘like’ us on Facebook or follow us on
mediums from painting, pottery and Instagram: @carolineccarts for the most
stained glass—to her very popular series Write-On! 2nd and 4th Tuesday of up-to-date information and news.
of painted drift wood sculptures. Every Month 6:30 – 8 PM. Write On!
is an online adult writers’ group that
Her focus is nature and she fi nds plenty meets the 2nd and 4th Tuesday of every
of that on the Eastern Shore. She uses month at 6:30 pm. Come listen, write
found objects such as driftwood, sea or share your writing. Every session
glass, pottery, rocks and shells to provide features a different topic you may write
inspiration and utilize within her works about or use for inspiration–register the
of art. week before to be notified of what the