Page 24 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 24

A PASSING MIST                  particularly enjoyable for me! There   government to provide for them, the
                                               were a lot more historical details to   POW’s could make themselves useful
                 (Book 3 of the                work with on a local level, thanks to   and earn wages to pay for their keep.

                 Ridgely Rails                 the newspaper articles and interviews   They were bussed out daily to farms and
                                               with senior Ridgely residents recorded   canneries throughout the area, many of
                Legacy Series)                 in Rampmeyer’s historical booklets. I   the prisoners developing friendships
                                               also tied in some elements of personal   with the locals they came to know.
                   By Rebekah Colburn          interest to me, such as a woman’s role   One such German was Herbert
                                               in society and the identification of
                                                                                 Richard Stoerzer, (on the left in the
                                               verbal and emotional abuse as domestic
            When the U.S. enters WW2, Gloria joins   violence.                   accompanying photo) who was held in
            the Women’s Army Auxiliary Corps in                                  Cambridge and worked at the Phillips

            hopes of adventure. Her escape is short-  This time period is often studied for a   Packing Company. In an article in the
            lived, however, and duty calls her back   variety of reasons, one of which is our   Dorchester Banner, his son Karl said,
            to the family farm—but returning to   fascination with the arch-villain, Adolph   “He was a young, innocent, naïve kid
            Ridgely means facing memories she’d   Hitler. And a forbidden romance always   getting drafted into the Wehrmacht,
            rather leave behind.               adds a little bit of excitement. When I   along with many other poor young
                                               learned that there had been German   men, all through no fault of their own…
            As she struggles to make peace with her   Prisoner of War Camps on the Eastern   I do remember a story he told about
            past, a new challenge arises. German   Shore, and in Caroline County, I knew   some of the longer-term POWs in
            POWs are hired to help work the farm.   I had the basis for a great story!  Cambridge who were more ideologists
            Gloria never imagined she would fi nd                                 than the younger newly arrived. Th is
            love again, and certainly not with a man   As our hometown boys either enlisted   group, to the dismay of the new arrivals,
            on the wrong side of the war.      or were draft ed, it created a shortage   still believed that Germany would
                                               of hands to work the local farms   win the war, and would try to paint a
            Having already thrown off feminine   and canneries. The Department of
            stereotypes, Gloria is used to facing   Agriculture decided that the German   swastika on the water tower. Of course,
            criticism. But a romantic relationship   POWs were the solution to this   the new POWs disavowed themselves
                                                                                 from this group.”
            with a “Nazi soldier”—regardless   problem. Rather than merely taking
            of his true affiliation—is more than   up space waiting for the war to end   Annice Ebling Fike wrote her memories
            unacceptable, it’s dangerous. In a world   and placing additional needs on the   of the POW experience (taken from
            torn by war and hate, how can they
            hope to build a future together?
                                                    At Christmas and always, wishing you the
            Combining history and fiction is       miracle of peace and the  joy of His blessings!
            always fun, but writing this novel was

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