Page 26 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 26

My greatest surprise of the prisoners   of her own day, far more complex as   If you would like to read my article,
            came many years later, as we had kept   the “enemy” shooting at her brother   A BIBLICAL PERSPECTIVE ON
            in contact with our 16 year old Franz.   overseas is also working shoulder to   ABUSE, MARRIAGE, AND DIVORCE,
            He had went to college, then married   shoulder with her on the family farm.   it is found in my blog archives, dated
            and had a large family and became                                    6/25/2019.
            a wealthy business man, due to a   Often remembering the words of
            navigation invention he had made.  her grandmother, Ella Mae, Gloria
                                               chooses to forge a path true to her own
            It was an afternoon in 1970 when a   independent spirit. She even takes a
            Washington taxi stopped at our back   job at the Feed Store, owned by Martin

            door and a man carrying an armful of   Sutton (after whom the Ridgely Park is
            flowers knocked on our back door. I   named), hoisting heavy sacks of grain
            opened the door and recognized Franz   over her shoulder in her denim overalls.
            Krautcreamer. We hugged and both did   Gloria knows that Franz is more than
            cry. He had planned this stop because   just a good looking, exciting diversion,
            we were the American friends who had   and she believes their love is worth   “For unto us a child is born,
            smiled and showed kindness to a scared   taking whatever risks are required.  unto us a son is given: and the
            16 year old boy imprisoned in a foreign                                  government shall be upon his
            country in war time, this he never   Although the Ridgely Rails Legacy ends   shoulder: and his name shall be
            forgot. We all had dinner, including   with this novel, the story of Gloria’s   called Wonderful, Counselor,
            the taxi cab driver, and talked for hours.   family continues in the next series with   The mighty God, The everlasting
            Franz then had to leave to catch the   her niece, Natalie, in the Time Returns   Father, The Prince of Peace.”
            plane to Florida, where he was opening   Series, set in the town of Greensboro,
            a business offi  ce. He made us promise   Maryland.
            to visit him in Germany. His family had                                Janet Dove, stylist
                                               For more information on how to
            grown to eight children.
                                               purchase my novels, or to learn more
            We did visit Franz in Germany. His   about my other series, you can go to   CUTS  •  COLOR  •  PERMS
            home was a 16-room restored castle   my website, You         HIGHLIGHTS
            on the Rhine River! We got a deluxe   can also view my blog articles between   920 Gay St., Denton  410-310-4586
            tour of Germany and it was such an   April and July of 2019 for more details
            enjoyable trip, we later made a second   about the Ridgely Observation Tower,   Appointments ONLY!
            trip to visit the Krautcreamer family. All   Breyer’s Condensing Plant, and German   Please call to schedule
            because of giving a helping hand to a   Prisoners of War on the Eastern Shore.   Merry Christmas!
            stranger in war time, our family made
            good friends with a German family
            twenty years later.”
            My own Franz is a composite character
            inspired by these two stories. As Gloria
            comes to terms with her failed marriage
            with a local who still works at the
            Breyer’s Condensing Plant where she
            must help her father deliver milk from
            their dairy cows, you glimpse a picture
            of Ridgely in the 1940s. There was
            even an observation post where men,
            and eventually women too, took turns
            watching the skies and documenting
            every aircraft that flew over. They
            practiced blackouts, darkening all the
            windows whenever the siren was heard.

            Gloria’s mother, Sophie, had endured
            the Great War and her life had been
            dramatically shaped by its events.
            Now, Gloria must face the challenges

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