Page 31 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 31
Marydel Lions Club --- A Busy December The club meets at the Preston Community Center building at
And A Busier Spring For 2022! 114 Williamson St., Preston, near the carnival grounds.
If you are interested in joining the club, stop in and join us for
You will find the Marydel Lions Club busy with its Annual
a meeting or call Matt at 410-673-1240 x1128 or Ed at 443-786-
Christmas Basket Project and its Members Christmas Dinner
0323 for more information.
that will be a capstone to an ever increasing 2021 schedule as
we slowly and cautiously emerge from the worst of Covid. Our
2022 Club plans begin with a full monthly schedule of Members
Business Meetings as well as separate Dinner Meetings hosted
by Chef Sandra Houseman and her fellow Ladies Auxiliary
Chefs at the Marydel Volunteer Fire Company’s Dining
Room. The January Members Business Meeting will be used Join us on Christmas Eve as we
to determine a limited number of grants through our Club’s
Projects and Programs. Honor the Christ of Christmas
Preliminary plans for 2022 call for a January Members Dinner at our Christmas Eve Candlelight Service
Meeting where we will be treated to a program on the ‘colorful’
history of the origins and completion of our DelMarVa Have a Safe and Blessed New Year!
Peninsula’s Mason-Dixon Line. Preliminary discussions and
plans call for the tentative opportunity of a fundraising ‘Purse Calvary Baptist Church
Bingo’ in the early Spring and a Chicken BBQ Dinner --- along
with our ‘World Famous Funnel Cakes’ Event --- in mid-Spring. 1120 Market St., Denton • 410-924-6404
All of our Club members do appreciate the support that our
Don Reynolds, Pastor
surrounding communities extend to our Club Fundraisers.
Please remember that 100% of all of the monies raised by 10 AM Sunday Bible School – All ages
our fundraising activities are returned to the children, youth, 11 AM Exciting Praise / Worship
families, adults and seniors who live in the greater Marydel Also, great Junior Church (5-11 yrs.)
Lions Club Service Area through our Club’s Programs and 7 PM Sunday Evening Worship &
Projects. Information on our Club’s Programs and Projects, as Children’s Class
well as membership opportunities, can be had by contacting 7 PM Wednesday Bible Studies
Terry at or 1-302-363-5823.
Church is the Place to Be!
Preston Lions Club
The Preston Lions Club hosts its second annual Christmas
Parade at 6 p.m. Saturday, Dec. 11, on Main Street.
Please join us for our first nighttime Christmas parade, “Cruisin’
thru Christmas ... a time to remember.”
15945 Henderson Rd
This year’s parade, in conjunction with the Preston Volunteer Goldsboro, MD
Fire Company, will also be in honor and remembrance of 410.482.7110
several lifetime PVFC members whose service the community 800.452.9034
has recently lost: Troy Brooks, Kevin DeGroat, Robert Fluharty, 410.482.9029 FAX New&
and Bob Wahl. Used
If interested in participating in the parade, please contact Options: Rear Seats Paint,
Phyllis at for details and more informa-
Windshield, Rims & Tires,
Lights, Tops, Utility Boxes
The club recently hosted Caroline County Commissioners Dan We can rebuild your cart’s engine,
Franklin and Larry Porter, who updated members on county install new batteries and fix major
projects, new state mandates on education funding, and the and minor problems.
ongoing legislative redistricting process.
Most parts and accessories
The Preston Lions Club meets in-person from 6:30 to 8 p.m.
on the second and fourth Thursdays each month in the fall, available for EZ-GO.
winter, and spring. A Textron Company