Page 30 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 30
4th Street in Denton or online at www. Club contact Lion Steve Disharoon at 410-251-1977 or
and for the Denton Lion Club contact
The Santa Chase will begin promptly Lion John Nussear at 443-845-3805 or
at 7:00 pm with race check-in and
registration from 5:45-6:55 pm. Th e fl at
2 Mile course will be lighted with over Lion clubs conduct and sponsor a variety
600 luminaries. This is a pet friendly of programs and projects, including
event, but please remember to have your vision screenings, hearing aid and
Come Run in the Dark pet on a leash. All runners, walkers and eye glass donations, youth sport team
their four-legged friends are encouraged
sponsorships, working with literacy
So Others Might See to dress in their best holiday costumes. and other programs in local schools,
Prizes with be awarded to the best male, sponsoring Christmas lights and parades,
A pet friendly “Reindeer” female, family, and pet costumes. All a durable medical equipment loan closet,
canine team competes registered runners and walkers will be the annual Lions International Peace
in the Santa Chase entered in a drawing for prizes and gift s Poster Contest, and operating and
donated for the event. The Santa Chase participating in community festivals
On Friday, December 10 the Ridgely, awards, costume prizes, and fabulous as well as donating to numerous local
Denton and Hurlock Lions Clubs will holiday raffles will be distributed charities and non-profits.
sponsor the 7th Annual Santa Chase immediately following the race.
Luminary 2 Mile Fun Run & Walk at Participants and volunteers are invited
Martinak State Park. This year’s race is to enjoy tasty goodies and hot cocoa
also sponsored by the Caroline County following the chase. All participants are Samaritan House
Department of Recreation and Parks, also asked to donate a non-perishable THRIFT SHOP
the Maryland Park Service, Sign Trek pet food item to support the Pet Pantry
by Ace Design, and the Caroline County at the Caroline County Animal Shelter. Wed.-Fri. 10 AM - 2 PM
Humane Society. All proceeds from the Sat. 9 AM - noon
For Santa Chase information and
Fun Run will support Lion’s vision and Fifth Street in Denton behind the Post Office
registrations contact Caroline County
community programs as well as the
Recreation and Parks offi ce at 410-479-
Caroline County Humane Society.
8120 or at
Cost for the Santa Chase is $15 per
Lions are groups of men and women who
person if registered by December 3rd
identify needs within the community
and $20 after December 3rd. For a
and work together to fulfill those needs.
pet and person team, cost is $20 and
For more information about Ridgely
a group of 4 is $50. You can get the
Lions Club you can contact Lion Dave SERVING THE COMMUNITY
Santa Chase registration forms at the THROUGH YOUR SUPPORT
Davis at 443-786-2547 or ridgelylions@
Caroline Rec & Parks office at 107 South Sponsored by United Concerned Christians, for the Hurlock Lions
Dave’s David Grinavic,
ASE Master Technician
Riverside 32600 Main St.
Queen Anne, MD 21657
Garage, Inc. 410-364-9336
• Computerized Engine Diagnostics Oil & Filter Change
• Performance Tune-Ups up to 5 quarts of oil (most cars)
• Front End Alignments
• Brakes • Shocks • Electrical Repairs $ 95
• Battery Replacements • Mufflers 25 + tax
• Tires (Rotate and Balance)
• A/C Service • Exhaust Systems MD State
• Lock-Out & Jump-Start Service Inspections 60
• And more!!!