Page 35 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 35


                   16  Annual Daddy/Daughter                     St. Paddy’s Day 5K/1-Mile Fun Run
                   “Sweetheart Dance”                            Saturday, March 12
                   Escort your “princess” to our 16  Annual Daddy   Fretterd Community Center
                   Daughter special evening full of smiles, dancing   Start your salute to the
                   and lots of fun. Dad and his Little Princess will   Irish and your spring
                   enjoy dancing, games, refreshments, and great   fitness conditioning on
                   music. The photo booth is back again this year   this certified fast and
                   and will be the souvenir picture they take home   scenic course through
                   that night. A photographer will be at the dance   Denton with a 5K and
                   to take pictures that can be ordered directly from
                                                                 1-Mile Fun Run. Plenty
                   them. Register early for this very special evening.   of lucky surprises await
                   Registration deadline is February 11. Dance has   on the course and at the
                   limited number of spots so sign those princesses   finish. Register anytime through our finish line
                   up early!                                     production partner Seashore Striders at
                    3–12 yrs, Sunday 2/20, Fretterd Community Center, Early registrants
                   Gym, $40 per couple, $5 each additional young lady   guaranteed a commemorative performance
                        Pictures from 3-5 pm, Dance 4:30–7 pm    long-sleeved tee. This event benefits Summer
                                                                 Learning Center enrichment activities produced by
                   The 7  Annual Santa Chase                     Caroline County Recreation and Parks in
                                                                 partnership with Caroline County Public Schools.
                   Friday, December 10 (rain date 12/11)
                                                                 Registration begins at 7:30 am; race starts at 9 am,
                   Martinak State Park
                                                                           Fretterd Community Center
                   A 2-mile run, walk, or jog with holiday magic!   Pre-registration: $27 for 5K, $12 for 1-Mile Fun Run
                   Candle luminaries will mark the way on this    Add $5 for late registrations after March 5. Shirts
                   park-based trail. It’s fun for your whole crew with   not guaranteed for late registrations.
                   special family of four discounts, dog friendly walk
                   or run and a costume challenge judged by Santa   Lil’ Leprechaun Dash
                   himself (dog reindeers included!). Check in or
                   register on site starting at 5:45 pm; race starts at   Saturday, March 12
                   7 p.m. Produced in partnership with the Ridgely,   Fretterd Community Center
                   Denton, and Hurlock Lions Clubs and proceeds   Kick off the festivities with a 100-meter dash
                   benefit the Lions as well as the Caroline County   down 4  Street exclusively for youngsters ages 5
                   Humane Society. Bring a non-perishable pet food   and under. Special prizes for all finishers.
                   item to support the Pet Pantry.
                                                                 $5 advance registration; $7 after March 5 or day of
                     $15/participant thru 12/3; $20 on or after 12/4  event. Dash at 8:40 before St. Paddy’s Day event
                       $50/group of 4, $20/participant with dog

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