Page 27 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 27

Provident State Bank, Caroline    great networking event. The cost for
                                               County Office of Tourism, National   members is $30 and nonmembers $35
                                               Property Inspections, Shoreline   per person. Chef Tahya Jones from
                                               Vinyl Systems, M&T Bank, Shore To   Odriews is providing a wonderful
                                               Be Fun Photography and Midshore   menu. Details are on our website at
                                               Technology!  We can not forget Purple We send
                                               Peake CBD, Brenton Realty Group for   our sincerest gratitude to the Towers
                Your Chamber                   sponsoring the Kiss My Axe fun, and,   family for allowing us to use their
                                               last but not least, the Town of Denton!   beautiful museum.
                     at Work                   We could not have done it without you!
                                                                                 December 13-The last Women in
                                               We hosted our first Caroline Nonprofi t   Business Lunch & Learn of 2021 will

                    by Tracey Snyder,          Fundraiser dinner on November 4th   be held from 11:30 AM-1:00 PM at
                  Executive Director of
                                               to raise money for the following   the Wharves of the Choptank Visitor
                Caroline County Chamber
                                               nonprofits: His Hope Ministries,   Center, 3 Crouse Lane, Denton. We will
                      of Commerce              Partners in Care, CASA of Caroline,   have a delicious lunch by Craft  Bakery
                                               Midshore Pro Bono and the Caroline   & Cafe, do a fun paint project with Life
            Happy Holidays to all!             County Humane Society! Th ank you   Expressions by Gayle and learn about
                                               to all who came out, Smokin’ on the   business and personal goals. Th ere will
            Things are happening here at the   Shore our caterer for the evening and   be plenty of time for discussion and
            Caroline County Chamber of         Mill Stream Farm for bringing the   networking. More information is on
            Commerce!                          sweetness!                        our website.

            Please welcome our newest members:   We are very appreciative of the   Thank you to our partners, members

            Smokin’ on the Shore, Big Brothers Big   generosity of the Towers family, their   and supporters of the Caroline County
            Sisters, VanTech Business Solutions and   facility is amazing.       Chamber of Commerce. You make all

            Craft Bakery & Cafe!                                                 these things happen! Caroline County
                                               We also want to thank R&M         is truly a one of a kind place to live
            Mactoberfest 21 was held on        Performance for their very generous   and work!
            October 30th in Downtown Denton/   donation of not one, but two baskets!
            Market Street with record crowds!                                    We wish you a very happy and healthy
            Congratulations to Pete PeteZa for   Here are a few things happening at the   holiday season!
            taking home the Big Cheese trophy   Chamber in December.
            this year!
                                               December 9- we will host our Holiday
            Shout out to our sponsors: Choptank   Mixer from 5:00 PM- 7:00 PM at the
            Transport, Liberty Title & Escrow-   Towers Family Historical Museum.
            Lisa McCarthy, Greensboro Pharmacy,   We hope you can join us for this

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