Page 15 - December 2021 Issue.indd
P. 15
Local Volunteer safety, health, and well-being of Caroline to donate whatever you can afford to our
County’s children and adults. organization to help our less-fortunate
Organization Helps neighbors.
Since its inception in 2012, Caroline’s
Those Aff ected by Community Assistance Fund has Please make your checks payable to
COVID-19 assisted 94 families with rental or MASSB Foundation, and mail them to:
utilities arrearages, allowing them to
Juanita A. Webster, Board Chair
The Maryland Association of Social remain in their homes. Additionally, the Caroline County Dept. of Social Services
Services Boards (MASSB) Foundation Fund provides support in the form of 207 S. 3rd Street
is comprised entirely of volunteers who medical supplies and emergency repairs Post Offi ce Box 400
serve on local boards in all 23 counties in for the elderly. As you may be aware, Denton, MD 21629
the State of Maryland. For those of you there continues to be a growing number
who are not familiar with the Caroline of county residents with unmet needs, Donations can also be received via
County Department of Social Services’ especially now that Covid-19 Economic credit card at www.massbfoundation.
(CCDSS) Advisory Board, our mission is Relief programs have ended. As we move org. Please add a note that your donation
to provide assistance to support families into the winter months and the holiday is in support of Caroline County. All
in financial crisis that do not meet season, we anticipate an increased need donations are 100% tax deductible.
federal and/or state program eligibility for holiday assistance for families with MASSB is an all-volunteer organization
but need assistance. children and our elderly who are not as so you will have the comfort of knowing
fortunate. that your funds will go directly to those
Under the auspices of the Maryland in need.
Association of the Social Services Any assistance garnered through this
Boards (MASSB), an established drive will also go towards assisting Thank you for your kindness and your
501(c)3, the Caroline County families in need. support.
Department of Social Services’ Board
We are taking this opportunity to thank Juanita A. Webster, Caroline County DSS
of Directors oversees the Community
you for the generous support you’ve Board Chair
Assistance Fund, which responds to
provided in the past and encourage you
unmet needs that are fundamental to the
103 W. Bell Street – Ridgely, MD
410-479-2238 |
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